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grimdagamer Blog

10 K run

My wrestling team puts on a 10 k run every Thanksgiving. Half of the proceeds go to the food bank and the other is kept as a fundraiser. Each of us is required to run it. My time was 55:10. But last year I ran it 53:23.:cry: Hopefully I do better next year.

P.S. If you don't know, 10 K is roughly 6.2 miles.

Identity crisis?

So I finished Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and am halfway through challenge mode. I figured I should watch/read Gamespot's review of the game, as I never read the reviews before I buy the game. One of the major problems with the game apparently is it suffers from an identity crisis. My only question to Gamespot reviewers is... have you ever, EVER played a Ratchet and Clank game that wasn't Deadlocked? I mean, space combat came directly from Going Commando. That much was obvious. And how is the girosphere portions related to Super Monkey Ball? If anything, the hacking is more like Super Monkey Ball. And if you read the review, they actually list swimming, yes SWIMMING as an alternative type of play. Swimming... come on! Seriously?


Between this and the Lair review, I don't think I have any respect for the gamespot reviewers anymore.

Wait.... 23 or 30th?

To whom it may concern;

I have just recently logged on to Gamespot to see a banner advertising Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. It says the release date is on the 30th. However, gamespot has RCF: TD set for a 23 release in their New Release section. So which is it?

P.S. I have not read that one article about the different release times concerning RCF: TD because it says "Dynamic duo's PS3 debut will start appearing in some stores a week before its 'official' release date" and I don't typically care about pre-release opportunities because they neveroccur around my area.But i will go read it and if you are as confused as I am, then you should too.

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction baby!

October 23... three days away. I can't believe it. So close I can taste it. Played demo and Iam psyched. I have been a loyal follower of Insomniac for years and I for one am happy to see them returning Ratchet and Clank to its roots, while also being creative and new. I mean, a weapon that forces your enemies to dance helplessly while you destroy them mercilessly. Who doesn't want to do that? And, as is do most weapons in the Ratchet and Clank universe, how will the grovatron upgrade? Seriously? I'm looking forward to other creative weapons too, whatever they may be. I'm sure all of you who downloaded the demo or got the demo from the preorder also know how amazing it looks. Man, I am so excited. Only three more days....

Why I think the PS3 will eventually win

Ok, so I keep hearing about how the Xbox 360 and the Wii keep outselling the PS3. And with games like Halo and Mass Effect on the way, the future looks dim for the PS3. But wait, what about the PS2? What happened to that little guy? He's outselling the 360? Really? Hmm, well surely Sony didn't intend for this to happen... oh wait, they did? Have we all forgotten that Sony has claimed both the PS2 and the PS3 are about the long haul and not the short term? The PS2 outsold the original Xbox and continues to out sale the Xbox 360. So, in a couple of years when everyone that bought a PS2 realized they might as well come over to the next generation, are they going to buy a Wii? Are they going to buy a 360? Are 120 million people going to waste all the money they spent on a PS2 by going to another companies system? No, I don't think they will. But who knows, I might just be another crazy idiot that likes to hear myself rant. Or maybe I might have some idea about where the sales are really going. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go play God of War instead of Gears of War, and maybe later I will play a little Guitar Hero 2. Then who knows? I might try a little Resistance Online. So good bye.

Thrill Rides and Death Rates, this has nothing to do with video games

Comparing thrill rides to everyday life.

There are hundreds of amusement parks around the U.S. and are confidently held as one of the main reasons to tour America. These parks hold dozens of rides that guarantee you to be scared out of your mind, while making sure you are actually safe. Well, I recently watched Final Destination 3, the one with the roller coaster accident. There is a line where one of the characters says that it is more likely for you to die driving a car than riding a roller coaster. I was intrigued, so I decided to look into it.

My finding are quite simple. Many major amusement park officials clearly state that the risk of becoming injured on one of their rides are somewhere around 23 million to 1. Well that's really good odds for not being injured on a ride, let alone killed. They also report that most of the injuries and deaths that have occurred on these rides are due to the rider's own actions of disobedience of the rules and not mechanical malfunctions. Simply put, SHUT UP and listen to the people giving you instructions on how to not die and you probably won't.

On the other side of things, the U.S. has a National Safety Council to overlook the wellbeing's of the U.S. citizens. This Council (or NSC as I will refer to them) has a particular chart that I have found at This chart contains many of the odds of you dying. Here they are from least likely to most likely...

  • Firework Discharge (1 in 340,733)
  • Flood (1 in 144,156)
  • Earthquake (1 in 117,127)
  • Lightning (1 in 79,746)
  • Hornet, Wasp or bee sting (1 in 56,789)
  • Hot weather (1 in 13,729)
  • Alcohol poisoning (1 in 10,048)
  • Accidental Electrocution (1 in 9,968)
  • Accidental Firearm discharge (1 in 5,134)
  • Air/ Space Accident (1 in 5,051)
  • Bicycling Accident (1 in 4,919)
  • Fire or Smoke (1 in 1,113)
  • Motorcycle Accident (1 in 1,020)
  • Drowning (1 in 1,008)
  • Pedestrian Accident (1 in 626)
  • Firearm Assault (1 in 314)
  • Falling (1 in 218)
  • Suicide (1 in 119)
  • Motor Vehicle Accident (1 in 84)
  • Stroke (1 in 24)
  • Cancer (1 in 7)
  • Heart Disease(1 in 5)

So, the most likely way to die is if you get on a roller coaster... and you have a heart problem, and cancer, and you are at a high risk of having a stroke while thinking of committing suicide while the guy next to you has a gun pointed your head while there is a thunderstorm in the area that causes a flash flood and you don't know how to swim, plus this area has a high rate of earthquakes and you happen to be a heavy smoker and a heavy drinker and its very... very hot outside, and to top it all off, they are shooting off fireworks. Not to mention, you have a beehive in your lap and your allergic. If none of those things are happening while you're on a roller coaster, you should be fine.

P.S. I know I missed a few things on the list above, but I didn't know how to fit them in.