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Identity crisis?

So I finished Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and am halfway through challenge mode. I figured I should watch/read Gamespot's review of the game, as I never read the reviews before I buy the game. One of the major problems with the game apparently is it suffers from an identity crisis. My only question to Gamespot reviewers is... have you ever, EVER played a Ratchet and Clank game that wasn't Deadlocked? I mean, space combat came directly from Going Commando. That much was obvious. And how is the girosphere portions related to Super Monkey Ball? If anything, the hacking is more like Super Monkey Ball. And if you read the review, they actually list swimming, yes SWIMMING as an alternative type of play. Swimming... come on! Seriously?


Between this and the Lair review, I don't think I have any respect for the gamespot reviewers anymore.