SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2006
- 8:30 on NINE: CSI - New episode was fantastic, with Nick never giving up on finding the little girl despite Sara's attitude. It was more of a knowing who did it and finding out how they did it kind of episode. Must have been a guest director, i think, because it looked really different. I liked it though. 9.5/10
- 9:30 on TEN: The Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala 2006 - Brilliant, funny, hilarious. The world's best comedians came together to raise money for Oxfam and entertain an audience for 2 hours. My favourite was Arj Barker and his "Piss The Sh*t Off" Routine. 9/10
- 7:30 on TEN: Port Adelaide VS St. Kilda - Average match that was close but Port messed up my tips.
- 2:00 on NINE: Essendon VS Collinwood - Footy was back at the 'G for this Anzac Day blockbuster. Over 90,000 people packed the ground to see Collingwood beat the Bombers and rise to 3rd on the ladder.
- 7:30 on TEN: The Simpsons - "The Italian Bob" was an average, yet funny, new episode of The Simpsons, my favourite bit being the American Wanted book with Peter Girffin's picture and a caption of "Il Plagiarismo", as well as Stan Smith with "Il Plagiarismo e Plagiarismo". And did anyone catch Bob's prison number? The same as the episode production code. 8/10
- 8:30 on TEN: The O.C. - Not so into this show anymore, I just flicked between this and a DVD. Marissa's sister returns after 2 years. 7.5/10
- 9:30 on TEN: Rove Live - As before, just flicking. Guests included The Veronicas, Georgie Parker and Lisa McCune.
- 7:30 on TEN: Thank God You're Here - Very funny. Angus is fantastic. "God -izzle" This week we had Santos as a plumber with a seductive client, Robin at a press conference of a movie she starred in, Pete as the captain of a Star Trek-esqe ship, and Angus as the owner of a business having to fire an employee. the group challenge was all four being dressed up as priests. 9.6/10
- 8:30 on SEVEN: Prison Break - Well, things are starting to heat up now with 3 days til breakout and the group knowing one will have to go. A fantastic episode with surprises everywhere and everything falling into place with the plan. Except T-Bag probably killing Abruzzi and Lincoln in solitary, but, you know, it'll all work out. 9.6/10
- 9:30 on TEN: NCIS - This show, in which my dad usually rolls his eyes at (especially Dinozzo) had him laughing all the way through. It makes you wonder why they didn't do this story with Tony and Kate last season, but Ziva still did great. it was a great story and great acting from all involved. 9.2/10
- 8:30 on SEVEN: Lost - Fantastic new episode of this show (we were due for a new one) which just keeps getting better and better each week. We finally see what's going on with Mr. Eko, and it was a great tie-in to the Boone story and the Charlie story of season one. Great acting by Ardwalefdsfsjkodg..... whatever his name is (the guy who plays Eko). 9.6/10
- 9:30 on SEVEN: The Amazing Race - Average. They didnt leave Sicily for this one. My highlights were The Hippies fake sign in sheet (the Frat boys almost bought it) and Phil dancing at the Pit Stop! Ha ha ha! 7.9/10
Well, thats about it, ill see you next week!
Justin Grima