@dzimm: I signed in for the first time in 5+ years just to let you know that you have HORRIBLE taste.......you are why we cant have good movies any more....thx
Dear Mr Desielts. There is something we can do about it. In case you didn't notice we told M$ to shove their digital on disc, DRM, spy device straight up their A$$, and guess what, It worked! Your dream of an all digital age will just have to wait at least another 8-10 years, and if it ever does come to pass, you can count me out as a gamer, thank you very much you arrogant POS!
@steelmouth Except they've already stated that when you sell a game and someone else buys it and puts it on their hard drive, microsoft ERASES IT FROM YOUR HARD DRIVE through the cloud you seem to love so much. Which means you wont be playing it anymore my friend
LoL! I Billion Microsoft? Really?!?!? If you continue to insist on enforcing these greedy and stupid business practices for you new xbox one you will be lucky to sell 1 million of them let alone 1 billion.......unless you think the ps4 and wii u will sell 500 million each?
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