We want this game to at least live up to the hype that it cultivated at its release at E3, but after the second gameplay trailer of the Darkzone, we notice some bigger differences about the graphics and gunplay. If you haven't seen it, click the video below:
We know that Ubisoft doesn't always deliver when they promised a gorgeous, realistic world in Watch_Dogs and their rich and realistic animations in Assassins Creed, but will this game be any different? We have seen the gameplay in realtime now so we know how the game functions, but will it be playable? Will it be balanced? Let me just answer those questions now with a comparison:
When a lot of us bought Destiny, we thought we were going to get a HUGE world with a deep story and unpredictable enemies. What we got at launch was a bare game world with no story at all. After a while, the game implemented slight story improvements with a large leap at The Taken King DLC. The reason why this game failed was the amount the DLC cost (Two expansions before the taken king totaling to $30 with the Taken King expansion at the whopping price of $40) This game was improved based on player feedback and game designer insight.
What I am saying is, the game won't be perfect at launch. That's why we buy it and play it. We give feedback, we work with the community, and we find ways to improve the game. If you are into open-world MMO's, this game is directly up your alley. Did you play Warframe, Destiny, LoL, or Dota 2, and love the grind for new equipment and weapons? This game looks to be perfect for you. If you are a relaxed gamer who prefers the constant FPS action of call of duty or a competitive player who slogs through ranks in competitive Counterstrike? This may not be the game for you. It's all based on preference.
I personally am working on Fallout 4 right now, and I have noticed a lot of similarities between it and The Division. Let me show you:
Fallout 4's crafting mechanic and looting system functions entirely on RNG. Now, it isn't like Destiny with it's rare purple engram drop (I have pulled out too much hair from that game) but how it knows your rank and it knows the kind of armor or weapons to drop for you. For example, the game starts spawning combat rifles when you reach rank 15. You can customize these guns to fit your play style (powerful automatic for midrange assault on raider locations or armor piercing for sniping power armor or animals like armored mirelurks). This kind of crafting mechanic allows for the player to engage targets in their own way or style. This game design is what captivates grinding gamers. Similar to Fallout, The Division will allow you to start the game with customizing your character's physical features as well as skill traits.
Knowing this information, what are your opinions on the game? What are you excited about in this game, and what do you want to show up in the final build of the game at launch?