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Payment schemes in MMORPG

I guess its easy to see that a MMORPG is not quite like a usual game. To look a litle deeper on this we must look at two types of MMORPGs - Commercial and Free ones.

First up Commercial.

The commercial games work like this. Buy the game - get one month free usualy, then you are supposed to be hoocked on the game so that you will continue to play it. You pay a monthly fee to play it. Most people will probably pay this by credit card, and credit cards continue to pay the membership for you. very sketchy for stolen cards and such. In addition to this they may charge you a fee to do stuff like respecing and stuff

So whats the pros and cons of this? - No Ads, and the company will have money to pay for servers, mainetence and updates

Cons - It costs money to play it! , unlike a regular game you can pay for once.

Now Free.

Free games are free to install, and also free to play but still they gotta make some money from somewhere. Some have some sort of membership, members basicly pay so others can play for free. The second option is a system based solely on micro transactions. and i think this system is the most interesting and also the one open for more discussion.

Okay so what does it mean to have P2P contra F2P and if you pay to get advantages.

me myself i find P2P quite okay, but its a thin line if P2P or F2P is going to be too powerfull. Mikro-transactions on the other hand... you pay for something, it could be items or some kida ability. It creates an inviroment where if you have money you can get unfair advantages. Not cool. Real World Trading with real money for the loss.

2008, a good year for MMORPGs

For quite some time World of Warcraft has been the most popular, but this year i feel like that could easily change.

Next week Age of Conan is coming out, a game with Mature content - True barbaric action, blood flowing and hacking and slashing at the ennemies .Its probbably not going to beat Wow in numbers, but can it beat it in true gameplay and graphics.

Later this year we may also see Warhammer Online. a quite popular, both in games and outside. A game that really seems to focus alot on PVP, more similar to Wow but also is something completly different.

To combat this another expansion to Wow: Wrath of the Lich King. Which i suppose is going to bring in some of the frozen throne topics, new area to explore, higher level cap. bascicly more stuff to do, but the game stays the same.

Its a good year for MMORGs, if you like Wow or if you are looking for someting different.

Brawl, so close but yet so far.

June 27. A week after school ends. a bit lame a date for it to come out here in europe but at least its june and not august.

Almost two months, but hey, beats four. Its gonna be amazing to finnaly get it anyways.

E3 probbably gonna bring some expectation for new games coming, well i`l have this to pass the time.

GTA Is back and "bad""`""er" than ever.

New GTA game, labeled IV or 4 out of the 6 games, if you count San and Vice. A game that went from 2D back in the day to 3D since III.

Back to the old games that only have grahcs and violence and no story or deep gameplay. As known as the Sony Games (hits the spot what junk they usualy produce for their consolles)

So it has this huge rich story from what i`v heard and its not only for PS3, but still even with 18+ rating the game is only mostly glamourous violence. drunk driving, sex and gunfight.

After hearing the praise from all over, no chance this is not gonna be game of the year and take home most awards its gonna be nominated for. Unless another really amazing game will be released (maybe the new WOW exp could be it if it makes it).

its not a bad game, just have all this bad influence.

Never Liked games like this never will.

Grizly Out.

Guitar Hero now for DS

It has been succesfull on All Consols and is now for the first time coming to a handheld!

If you see the pics, you will notice that you get this GBA cartridge with the gh buttons and a strap to put around your wrist, and instead of stylus you get a plectrum to strum with. you hold the game sideways, with the buttons on one screen and the guitar on the other. you press the buttons and strum the guitar strings. GH on another level.

In my humble opinion, this game have the potential to be a great game. Comes out sometime this summer i believe.

Snaking the Real Deal - MK

When Mario Kart DS came out and people started playing online there was a huge discussion on whether snaking was cheating or not.

If you dont know what is snaking?

Snaking is to use the drifting, with the mini-turbo to snake around corners to gain speed and race faster. Though snaking also is abusing this and snaking wherever you can for a boost all over!.

Snaking or Drifting has been i mario kart for a long time, the drifting featured in Mario Kart 64, but with no speed boost! It wasnt untill MKDS that snaking became what it is. well the answer is online. Playing other people who snake was quite hard, and also the new ranking system. for the hardcore mk was not that much for the fun of it, but for the ranks and such. Loads of people find snakers to be some kinda cheaters exploiting the gameplay.

Technicly i know snaking isnt a cheat and I also use drifting alot. though the snakers are abusing the gameplay and makes it for some people less fun.

So in MK Wii. Drifting is a litle bit different. nerfed a bit maybe for the better and a nicer onlie experience !

keep on drifting!

Mario Kart PAL. came out.

Yea the cats out of the bag.

MK WII is out in europe. before America. a uncommon happening indeed.

Well what to say. The Mario Kart experience now on the Wii, with the new wii wheel.

The basics is is more like 64 than double dash this time. But with Bikes, loads more content.

Havent gotten very deep in it as of yet, with multiplayer and stuff, just seen it play.

So far, So good.

Radiant dawn completeted

Went through endgame, last night. loads of fun and a challenge as always to do the final boss...

Finished the game in little over 50 hours. 450 or so turns. only one out of action - Janaff. after several resets.
Haar. #1. with loads of kills.

Realy good game.

Its been getting mixed reviews, but in my opinion if you play the full story its epic. a Fire Emblem game in all its glory.

loads harder that sacred stones, harder than path of radiance. and a bit easier that blazing sword,
and that makes it chalenging, but not too hard.

Inteligent systems, you have done it again.

Radiant Dawn first impressions.

So, I got the game, been playin it quite alot, and it as you all know pretty good.

The Story, even though it twists and turns, is quite exelent like always in a fire emblem game.

Its not all well though, the parts just seem too short and not really no character development going on.

I havent finished the game yet, but its a pretty well though out and unpredictable story, though some parts make more sense than others. again feels like the story does not realy proggress through missions. A movie from a book it could maybe be.

The game looks, great. maybe not as good as say galaxy, but still looks pretty amazing, the style is just right.

It contains a lot of great art and the graphics does play a huge part effect on how the story is told.

Not that many amazing cutsceens, but they are longer and better than in POR.

Some gameplay tweaks for good or bad . a whole new magic tree, Wyvern Knights now are Dragons. and a whole lot.

Great game.

All the way to 30

Nice and round number yet again. Wicked sick, i can live with that.

Holiday for a week, so thats sweet.

cya around, oh and I will have my hands on RD very soon :twisted: