@Atzenkiller: good point. maybe MS didn't want to advertise the S as a 1080p machine for fear of being seen as outdated so they just try to sell it as a 1440p Box.
After playing nearly every BR under the sun I did myself a favor and got a gaming PC which I like to call "PUBGBox". Now, I can finally play PUBG because before I tried to play on a potato laptop and it didn't work unfortunately. With my "PUBGBox" I can finally enjoy PUBG to my heart's content and no longer feel I need to look elsewhere BR-wise. Not saying I won't play other BRs, outside PUBG I especially like Firestorm, but I don't feel like I need to anymore as I have all I need in PUBG 🥰 This one from Ubisoft I'll be probably skipping ... 😪 not saying it's bad or anything, haven't tried it, it's just that I have PUBG 🙌, so what else do I need?!
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