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Cheese pt. 2

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, Named Angelica. She grew up in a world of riches and always got what she wanted. She had ponies and beautiful dresses, and everything else. In spite of all this she was still very unhappy. And what she longed for the most was cheese. But not just any cheese; a very expensive provolone. How would Angelica obtain this fine cheese? Maybe I could rob a bank, Angelica thought to herself. (she really wanted that cheese) But planning a bank robbery took just to much time. Time Angelica didn't have. She needed that cheese fast. She was getting extremely hungry. How to get it... Wait... She didn't have to rob a bank! She could steal the cheese from the deli around the corner! Yes, that was much less complicated. So she walked into her closet. She grabbed a couple of black manolo blahniks, a pair of black pants and a black turtleneck sweater from Ralph Lauren. Then she went into her sock drawer and took a pair of Gucci pantyhose. She cut off one leg part and put it over her head. "Now no-one will reconignize me!" she thought to herself. So she had to devise a very cunning plan, to obtain the cheese..

Well Angelica  couldnt wait any longer and had to have that cheese, and she had to have it now, so off she went. By time she got there  it  was closed,so she went around the back and there was a window left open,lucky for me she thought. So she carefully climbed in, it lead to the store room, perfect she thought. After checking out all the shelves there was no CHEESE, dam she thought it must be in the she crept into the kitchen and was stunned to find (see Picture)

Lenny she screamed...Lenny!!!..(he was the love of her life..)

She ripped off the tights from her head and ran to armed..and said..Where is the dam Provolone......He replied that he didn't know.. she screamed! How could he be so unfair! But as soon as her screams died out, someone turned on the lights.....




now for some personal notes, I just watched Casino Royale.. I was, as many people were, a little sceptical about this Daniel Craig fellow.. A blonde James Bond? no way! also he didn't look suave enough to be a real James Bond..

But after watching Casino Royale I was stunned.. He was a really good James Bond, and veeeery charming to boot (not to mention, he has a smokin body:))!! So, people, I'm now in love with the new James Bond!! ;)