okay so a lot of people have been doing this and since I'm a total follower, I thought I might do this as well.. (also this is a site about tv, so I thought I might post something about that ^^)
The seven seasons of gilmore girls, from least favorite to favorite:
7. Season Seven
It hardly needs explaining but still.. It's sad because it's the last season. It's bad because the writers really didn't know what they were doing. After the episode "Hay Bale Maze" it got a little better, but I still thought it was a little off. I also hated the whole Lorelai-Chris marriage plotline..
Favorite episode: Bon Voyage (I cried for pretty much the entire episode)
Worst episode: French Twist
6. Season Six
I hated April, I hated that Lorelai and Rory were fighting, I hated that Luke and Lorelai were falling apart, I hated that Logan cheated on Rory, basically I hated a lot of this season. Some episodes were really painful to watch. There were some good ones though.
Favorite episode: Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ring Out (duh, Jess is in it)
Worst episode: A Vineyard Valentine
5. Season Four
I didn't particularly hate this season, I just always feel like nothing happens. Rory goes to Yale and Lorelai starts her inn, but there aren't a lot of exciting things happening this season. The final episode does make up for a lot, because Luke and Lorelai get together and Rory loses her virginity. But that's just one episode. Also, I like Jason Stiles.
Favorite episode: Last Week Fights, This Week Tights
Worst episode: Girls In Bikini's, Boys Doin' The Twist aka Gilmore Girls Gone Wild
4. Season Five
Although I thought the whole Rory Dean relationship was completely pointless, and I hated the Luke Lorelai break up, this season does have a lot of good episodes. It also introduces Logan, and I like Logan.
Favorite episode: You Jump, I Jump Jack
Worst episode: How Many Kropogs To Cape Cod
3. Season One
Wow, so we're at the top three. I really love season one. But I felt that the actors weren't really completely comfortable in their roles yet. Overall though, I really loved it!
Favorite episode: Rory's Dance
Worst episode: The Third Lorelai
2. Season Three
Man I love the first three seasons. Season three has a lot of really great episodes. I dont really hate anything about it, except perhaps that Jess does treat Rory like dirt, and he just leaves her. But that's just because I feel they should be together ^^ Also, I hated Francie.
Favorite episode: Keg! Max!
Worst episode: Application Anxiety
1. Season Two
This is definitely my favorite season! It has so many great episodes to choose from. And yes, Rory and Dean are together, even though we all want her to be with Jess, but the sparks between Jess and Rory are very evident and that makes for some great episodes.
Favorite episode: The Bracebridge Dinner, A Tisket, A Tasket and I Can't Get Started (god, too many to choose from!)
Worst episode: Secrets And Loans
So, that's about it! what are yours?