I admit it, I'm a total nerd!!
becauseeee... I've started playing World of Warcraft!
I wanted to try the 10 day trial version, just to see what all the fuss was about, and I'm totally addicted!! I even dream about it...
My brother is addicted too! We constantly fight over who gets to play...
So now we're going to buy the game.. And I feel kind of dirty because that's exactly why they have a 10 day free trial, to lure suckers like me into buying the game.. but part of me just doesn't care :oops:
I just hope I dont get all fat and stuff like Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman (yeah he was kinda fat already) did in the South Park episode "Make Love, Not Warcraft".. (where I also got my blog title)
In other news, I also got my brother hooked on Veronica Mars!!! :D He thought it was just another stupid show like One Tree Hill (I still don't understand why he thinks that's stupid but anyhow..:roll: ), But after I watched a few VM episodes in his presence he decided he wanted to start watching too! I'm so happy, finally someone to share my Veronica Mars madness with, besides here on tv.com..
People in Holland rarely know the show unless they're tv crazy like me, because it was never really on tv here.. One channel did show it, on like sunday night at 11 PM, and they hardly promoted it..
So now I'm telling my country about it, One crazy kid at a time! 8)