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My 1-year tv.commiversary!

yes my fellow tv dot commers, today is my one year anniversary here at tv dot com!!

let's see what I've achieved during this year:

Level: 8 Completion: 53%
Rank: Super-Friend
Forum Posts: 576

Accepted: 40
Pending: 0
Denied: 10
Total: 50

Shows: 1
Episodes: 7
People: 0
Total: 8

: Drama King - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% drama

: King of Comedy - More than 10 favorite shows, at least 20% comedy

: This user has over 20 friends

: Level 8, Super-friend

: Contributite - This user has made at least 1 contribution

: Side-kick'n Contributor: This user has made at least 50 contributions

: This user has been featured in the community spotlight on

: This user participated in our Finale Fanfare 2007 chat series

: This user participated in one of our Fall 2007 Premiere Chats

: This user participated in the 2007 Live Emmy's Chat

: This user is on the 815 Flight Manifest and participated in the Lost Season 4 Premiere Chat

: This user has over 50 journal entries

: This user has contributed over 500 message board posts

So there it all is!

And now a list of all the shows I've started watching this year (most of them thanks to

Gossip Girl (mostly because Kristen Bell's voice was in it, but it is a pretty fun show)

Heroes (Man I love this! and I heard so much about it, here and from colleagues and friends, that I decided to watch)

One Tree Hill (that's mostly Michael's fault :P:P)

Prison Break (a lot of my friends watched this and I thought I'd check it out)

Supernatural (No-one I know even knows this show so it's all thanks to you!!!)

Ugly Betty (saw a trailer on tv and thought I might check it out)

Veronica Mars (again, this show never (really) aired in my country.. But thanks to all the people with banners on forums and stuff in their blogs and names and icons, I thought I would give the show a try.. never regretted it, it is really the best show EVER!(well perhaps sharing first place with Buffy) I even got my brother watching!! too bad it got cancelled :(:()