hmmm... my 2 cents. 1920x1200 windows xp sp3 fx-60 8800gtx 2gb ddr 400 high default, no aa,no af, no bloom, no shadows and it stays in the 30's and above all times and every area.
yeah, i had to turn some stuff down when i got to start havin tank wars. new specs now are!!! 4800 2.4 2gb ram 8800gtx winxp, 1680x1050 everythiing on high except,post-processing,shadows,water, runs in 30's now..
i agree one hundrend percent!!!, but i bult a new computer from scratch in feb06 and i already had to put a dual core in to keep up with the times, but i can't quit now beacause i have $3000 dollars invested into this pc and so if i dont put this new stuff in from below i'll loose money!!
ocing works!! i started off with a 2.4 amd, 2 gig ram, 2 7800gts and got 60 fps on fear maxed out. Then i oc'ed without changeing any volts or timings, i just went 12 multiplier by 235 fsb split 1/1 memory divided and got to 2.85 and fear went up to 79 fps!!! one day i read a artical were if i did all tweaks i could reach 250fsb perfection which means a 3.0ghz amd cpu from 2.4!!!!
grouser22001's comments