Playing Silent Hil Origins atm...while my girlfriend watches Step Up. Thank God for headphones :P
gryphyth's forum posts
Guilty Gear Judgement; surprisingly both games are fun8)
1. God of War COO
2. Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles
3. Everybodys Golf 2
4. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
5. Gradius Collection
Honourable Mentions: DJ Max Fever, Dead Head Fred, Exit 2 and Fight Night Round 3.
How r u getting these Sega CD games on your PSP:question:I really can't decide between Ground Zero Texas, Double Switch and Spider-Man vs The Kingpin.
Try out Dead Head Fred, fun, original with a cracking sense of humour if a touch cliche at times.
Castlevania X: The Dracula Chronicles; come on....3 classics on 1 UMD. Oh and Im loving Gradius collection. Old school shooting at its finest :)
Ahhh - 4 min :P wot sort of question is that. Its not like a carton of milk. Its a non-perishable lol. Look after it and it'll last 4eva.:roll:
My god, not too scary again......:P well Silent Hill 1,2 and 4 probably are different to the third in the series in that the 3rd is more action oriented and in your face, therefore detracting from the creepiness factor in favour of a more explosive bent. So to prevent nightmares junior....I would go with the 3rd one. Word of warning though, the monsters/creatures in this game are some of the more twisted in the series, if not the entire survival horror genre. Why do u play these games at all is my question.....I think there is a copy of Ratchet and Clank out there with your name on it. :roll:
Not too scary??? Why do u want to purchase a Fatal Frame (Project Zero) game then? This series is by far the most unnerving of its genre. My opinion is that Crimson Butterfly (the 2nd one) is by far the best in the series. So engrossing with a really good japanese ghost/horror story and excellent soundtrack. But it is also the scariest, that is if games really can be old r u??
If u want the one that is the least frightening, then go with The Tormented (3rd in the series). Even though its still good, I consider it to be the weakest of the series. Very pretty graphics though. Anyhow, the first 2 in the series are pretty hard to find these days....especially Crimson Butterfly which remains on my all time favourite PS2 games list.
:roll:Not this old chestnut......if your nice to your PS2 there shouldnt be any problems. I've had mine since launch and it still cranks bb.
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