(You will find that near the end of this entry, I had an enlightenment mid thought. I found it pretty amusing to read, so I decided to post it as it was written, rather than editing it to make sense.. Well, it makes sense.. BAH JUST READ IT AND YOU'LL SEE!)
It seems like most people don't know exactly what cynicism and overall exaggerated humor really is, so things need to be explained out to them or things get turned into a more serious topic and need some sort of backing. Which is fine. I don't mind because even though I tend to be extreme and over the top in most of my opinions, I can usually find a way to back them up because I'm smart and usually prepared for people to just not get it.
Mass appeal runs the market in this day in age. No matter what we do or how we try and go about it, whatever we are force fed by big corporations is what we consume and enjoy it. We've lost our sense of free thought to marketing and being told what to believe. Some of us realize this yet still believe the hype. In gaming, Halo is the perfect example. Millions upon millions of people love this game and why? What does it do that is so innovative and amazing? Nothing. The story is mediocre, the gameplay is slow and generic, the AI is pretty annoying and not all that intelligent at all. Yet copies of Halo 3 flew off the shelf just like the other two games in the series.
I cannot think of a game that has ever been as hyped as the Halo series (maybe with the exception of the GTA series, but I'm going to stick to FPS' for this entries sake), and where it has led competitive gaming today.
For where I want to go with this, you need to start from the very beginning, so if lots of words and an opinion that will probably make you angry isn't your thing, you should probably just stop reading now. If you think Halo is god's gift to gaming and that I'm stupid for thinking this way, you're wrong and probably a communist anyway. Chances are Halo was probably the first FPS you ever played and you couldn't stop creaming yourself every time you got a Pistol headshot on another crappy player in multiplayer. I've played more FPS and got more headshots in games of real skill than you could ever dream of playing, Halo is not good by any means and I am right, you are wrong.
Okay, enough with my obligatory Halo bashing, moving on.
So, when Halo first came out on the original Xbox, it was something else. I remember countless days and nights at the local LAN center watching people crowd around this game and tournaments being run. Just child after child lining up to go head to head against their friends. At the time, it was a welcomed sight. I enjoyed the company of fellow gamers, even though they were playing a console, and I enjoyed watching the competition between everyone. I embraced it, I really thought that Halo would sort of be a gateway to other games for these kids finally finding that video gaming can be fun, competitive, and just an overall awesome experience to play on an organized level.
Then after some time went by, I noticed these gamers weren't moving on to other games. They were still playing Halo. They were getting better at it, finding more tricks, finding the best choke points to take, they were taking the game to the level that other games (such as Counter Strike) have been at for years. Disappointment came over me, my dreams of getting more kids into PC gaming at the LAN center (and just helping the PC competitive community grow as a whole) were crushed.
These kids were getting into a console game on the same level as gamers in the "PC scene" have been on for years. Halo tournaments started popping up left and right, normally maxing the LAN center out, and I even found myself playing in them. For someone who thought Halo was an okay casual game, I didn't do too bad compared to these kids who played hours every day. This personal experience, is what leads me to believe that anyone can be good at a console game. Maybe it's just my super human ability to be amazing at video games, but I literally, barely ever played Halo but I could jump on and frag with kids who played all day. And even when I would play against some of the more advanced players, I didn't do terrible. I lost, and I lost hard, but it was nowhere near the kind of lose as in a game like Counter Strike. It wasn't as crushing, it wasn't as dominant. It just wasn't as bad.
For someone to play a game casually against kids who play every day, and be able to hold their own. It says something, does it not? I mean, do you really think I'm super human? Probably not, and if you do, thanks. I'm a gamer who has always been just okay at consoles. I normally keep my consoles around just for those exclusive titles and RPGs, since I don't like playing most games on the PC, other than FPS' and the occasional RTS. Back on point, so, I could hang in there with hardcore Halo kids, but could they hang in there with me on the PC?
In short, no.
When the time arrived for PC tournaments, the Halo kids would form their own little teams and play in them for whatever reason. There would normally be at least three or four teams at the tournaments that would play Counter Strike consistently and those three or four teams would always be the ones facing eachother in the later rounds. There was no instance of any of these console kiddies even standing a chance against the PC teams. Every PC tournament would be the same teams facing off, while the console kids would be eliminated in nearly record breaking times.
Case and point? PC gamers can pick up a controller with minimal experience and hold their own. A console gamer cannot sit with a keyboard and mouse and hold their own.
Is this true for everyone? Of course not.
I've come across more people than I can count who think they are good on both platforms. I've crushed most of them. There seems to be a huge divide between the two platforms, because the keyboard and mouse "way of life" is more hardcore in my opinion. Accuracy, precision, mastering movement, mastering physics. Having more control over pretty much every aspect is a huge leap between PC and consoles. I just don't feel as into it when I sit down with a controller. I feel restricted, like I'm not able to do as much, I'm not able to use all of my abilities to dominate my opponents.
With a controller, things like reflex time and hand eye coordination just go out the window. I mean, you can set your look sensitivity and all that nonsense with a controller, but does it really matter? No. No matter how fast you jerk the analog stick one way or another, it is not going to stop on the dime, or it won't get to the enemy as quickly as it could with a mouse. Some might say, that than it takes more skill to use a controller cause it isn't as easy.
I say to you, play more PC games in a multiplayer setting. See how easy it is for you to just jump in and be amazing. Chances are, it isn't going to happen. You will get completely toasted and not stand a chance. Over shooting, under estimating, making sure the cross hair is on the head of usually much smaller hitboxes, playing against models that actually move at a decent pace, rather than the feeling of moving through oil. There is much more to the dynamics of PC gaming, than "HAY I HAVE A MOUSE, I CAN BE MORE ACCURATE AND KILL PEOPLE EASIER!"
Think again, hot shot.
Do some people have the ability to be good on both platforms? I'm sure they do, I mean, I am and I know theres people better than me on PC and on console. Probably more on console than PC, but thats besides the point.
The epic battle will rage on forever, I'm sure, but it is quite obvious that PC gaming has a much higher learning curve than console. Denying it is silly and you're just wrong. If you believe that having a mouse makes things easier, I challenge you to try and play on a competitive level on both platforms and see where you do better. 90% of the time, I'm sure it will be on the console. It's taken me years of practice to get where I am on the PC, while I still just randomly pick up and play a console game and do fine.
When I say, console gaming will be the death of PC gaming. It's called an exaggeration. No, I do not think PC gaming will ever go away, no I do not think that PC gaming tournaments will ever go away. Jesus, people. PCs are the original platform! It's kinda like Will Smith, he may have his ups and downs, but you can't get rid of the guy.
What I honestly think will happen is that Competitive Console Gaming will take the main stage at big tournaments events and stay that way for a long time. I thought I stated quite clearly in my last entry that mass appeal would be the obvious reason for this. Mass appeal drives marketing, marketing targets mass audiences, everyone likes something they can get at a cheaper cost (NINJA EDIT: this is my way of saying, consoles are cheaper than PCs so more people like them, which was stated in my last entry). Consoles and games like Halo have that mass appeal to make money. People who run these tournaments like money, so they will go where the money is.
The money right now is in Halo 3, so CPL has the One Million Dollar Halo 3 Tournament. I've been out of the CPL/WCG loop for awhile, but every now and again I check back in to see where things are going. Right now, it's going to World in Conflict, FEAR and Halo 3. CPL Dallas will be having two Counter Strike tournaments, I cannot find a prize amount for these tournaments (I also only looked for about 8 minutes before getting bored), but I know WIC and FEAR both have $40,000 prize pools. Both PC games, but not Counter Strike.
The stream of conscience sets in right now. Maybe it isn't the death of PC gaming, but maybe the slow demise of the Counter Strike games?
If this is the case, it's a sad thing because both Counter Strike and Counter Strike:Source hold a special place in my heart. Really thinking about it, these two games are what got me into competitive gaming and make me strive to be the best. It's been close to a year since I played either one on a competitive level, and oddly I don't miss it. As much as I love the team based play and the skill it takes to go far in both of these games, I just want something new.
As a whole, PC gamers probably want something new and are looking for new games to take to the next level. FEAR and WIC are both great games and I have no doubt that this is what is happening in the PC community. My own closed mindedness kept me thinking that the CS series were the end all of real PC competitive gaming, but even now, looking at myself and where I want to go with my competitive "career" it isn't Counter Strike. Team Fortress, Gears of War PC, either of these two games I would love to play on a competitive level.
PC gaming isn't dying, it may take the back seat to consoles for a little while, but it isn't going to die. It is just going to find new games to take to a new level and not alienate people who don't play a certain niche of games.
I suddenly forgot what else I want to write, because it all seems like nonsense now.
I still believe PC gaming takes more skill FPS wise, mind you. You won't change my mind on that, but I think I talked about that enough earlier, so yeah. I'm done.
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