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gt_scrubs_fan Blog

Want to FREELY discuss Scrubs?

Hello fellow Scrubs fans! It seems as though we are always unfairly modded on these boards sometimes. We are also overpopulated with trolls and such.

Would you like a place to freely discuss Scrubs? Well then, join us ! JElliot4Ever has been kind enough to create a Scrubs forumfor us to be able to do this. If you want to join, please go to the website that I linked and sign up today! Also, we are asking that all new members pm JElliot4Ever, MichaelWClark, Griles, or myself (gt_scrubs_fan) on here ( when you do sign up so that we know who you are. Thanks, and this should be really fun, guys! So, let's sign up!

Bloggy Survey!

I stole this from someone (I so can't spell her username...littlditylum...I KNOW that's wrong). Anyways, enjoy :D

Be honest no matter what.

1. Who were your last 4 texts from?
Jessica (2), Shafania, Rasheda

2. Where was your default picture taken? Namine/Kairi ; myspace: my room ; facebook: my brother's house

3. How old are you?

4. Your current relationship status?
single *sighs*

5. Does your crush like you back?
I don't have a crush at the moment.

6. What is your current mood?
tired, stagnant (that's your new word for the day)

7. What's your mom's middle name?

8. What colour shirt are you wearing?
black tank

9. if you could go back in time and change something, would you?
hell yeah, just one thing?

10. Where was the last place out of town, that you went to?
hmm...the beach...a year depressing :lol:

11. Ever had a near death experience?
a few times, yeah

12. Something you do a lot?
work...but now that school is out...a whole lot of nothing :P

13. Do you have a fondness for gnomes?

not particularly

14. Who can you tell anything to?
nobody really...some people know more than others, but it's hard for me to say I can tell anything I'm thinking/feeling to anyone. Trust issues and such :P

15. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
my friend Jessica's skanky friend Jamie! (What? She is!)

16. When was the last time you cried?

17. If you could have one super power what would it be?

18. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?


19. Who is your favourite celebrity train wreck?
I could care less, but if I had to put someone, I GUESS Brittney. But, it seems like Brittney is getting her sh it straight lately.

20. What is a theory that you believe?
i dunno

21. Favourite colour?

22. What is one thing that annoys you on TV?
um...annoying people? I don't know, never thought of it...

23. Do you still like kiddy movies?
yeah, pretty much. Lion King and Prince of Egypt OWN all

24. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
eating a snow cone

25. Do you speak any other language?
nope... learned un poquito espanol in high school (I SO butchered that)

26. What's your favourite smell?
strawberry or vanilla

27. Describe your life in one word?

28. Have any tattoos?
hell no

29. What are you looking forward to the most?
um...nothing at the moment...getting paid

30. What are you thinking about right now?
too many things to thing...hmm...OH I left my cell phone in my car, so I'm going to have to get it after this survey is done.

31. What should you be doing?
something productive, I'm sure

32. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
nobody else

33. What are you listening to?
my niece and my mom talking

34. Do you like working in the yard?
what yard?

35. What colour are your nails?
no polish on them, so clear :P

36. Do you act differently around the person you like?
what you see is what you get most of the time with me

37. What is your natural hair colour?
blackish brownish

38. Why did you cry the last time you did?
because :P

Bloggy Blog

I have nothing of importance to say. I'm very close to Level 8, so I figured I would blog and maybe have my level raised.

But, since I'm writing...I will just say that Piers Morgan ended up winning Celebrity Apprenctence. I didn't really want him to, but in terms of criteria, he really kicked ass. :P Oh well!

One of the Best Performances on Idol in YEARS

I know that not a lot of you watch American Idol, but who cares, I'm writing a blog about it. I have been steadily losing interest in the show. First, there was the Sanjaya debacle that was last year. Now, it just seems as though there isn't any real talent...until last night. David Cook got up and sang Chris Cornell's version of "Billie Jean", a Michael Jackson song. It. Was. AWESOME. He really could have recorded it and sold it, it was that good. I honestly can't remember when a contestant did this good, save for maybe Chris Daughtry, Kellie Clarkson, or Ruben. I'm curious now to see where the competition takes David now, since he showed how excellent he can do.

On another note, I'm a bit pissed at Idol. How in the world is it ok to let two contestants on the show that have had record deals? Isn't this about finding undiscovered talent? I find it annoying that people who have record deals can make it in the top 12. I also find it annoying that there can be strippers and those with lewd photos in the top 12, since Frenchie was not allowed to stay for the same thing.

Anywho, I have to get back to work, but I did want to comment on the awesomeness that was Idol last night. :D

Ramblings at Work...

I'm actually writing a serious blog, which NEVER happens. My serious ones are always on myspace.

Anywho, I'm kind of missing my dad a bit today. It's been about 3 months since my father died. It's weird...I always thought he was the one who would go on and live for a long LONG time, even with his medical issues he had. I always thought that I could prepare myself for it coming since he had been sick since I was a little girl, but let me tell you, death throws you for a loop, even if you DO see it coming. It's weird, not seeing someone who you used to see everyday, knowing that they won't be their for simple life events such as wedding, first child, etc. It's definately an interesting stage in my life, and I'm learning a lot about myself that I didn't know about, and I think what I'm learning, I like. The only reason is because I think it's changing me for the better, which is ALWAYS a good thing.

Um anyways, shall I liven the blog up a bit? Don't want to be a downer...oh yeah, I'd like to date if I could just find a nice guy. I don't know if "nice guys" exist, really. I know some people have lucked out, and I KNOW that my match is out there. It's just that he's taking his time getting over this way, damn it! :lol: Anywho, I think my standards are too high, but isn't that a good thing? If I wanted just anyone, I suppose I would have someone about now, but I don't.

Hmmm....what can I ramble on next? OH! Scrubs is coming back! Huzzah!!! I'm SOO excited about it. I haven't been excited about it coming back at all really for the past few months. I've just been chilling with my DVD's, but now that's it's close, I'm frickin excited! And, from what I've read, we get another season (ish)! Very great news :D I know some people might disagree with Scrubs continuing for an 8th season, but I can't get enough of the show.

Bah...still got an hour at work. :P

Welcome Back Coxer!

So, I've been suspended for five days. I guess I should do one of those, "I'm sorry, for my actions, it won't ever happen again" thing. Well, I'm not.

I think it's ridiculous that we can't be ourselves on the boards anymore! We can't even post to agree with someone without getting reported for it! One of my moderations were for saying "Agreed :D" to someone a few months back. It's really the moderator's fault. They don't take time to read what the report is. Instead, they see one and mod us.

I just think it is really stupid, seeing as how sSOME trolls NEVER get suspended or banned or anything, yet we get thrown off the site. Have I posted things I shouldn't have? YES. Did I deserve some of my moderations? OH YEAH. But out of all of them, I know of 3 that should probably still stand. is the ONLY site this finnicky about posting.

Me apologize for being myself on here? NEVER. Will I stop? Nope! :D

In other news, I'm quite awesome.

Comment. 8)

A to Z About Me

Stolen from Sagi! Thanks! :P

Are you available?
What is your age? 24 in two weeks ;)

Do you know anyone named Brian?
no...but what a wonderfully odd question...

When is your birthday? February 24

What's your favourite candy?
Rice Crispy Treat

What kind of car do you have? '05 Silver Toyotta Corrola lovingly named Sasha :D

Who do you have a crush on? one worth it ;)

Do you daydream?
yes, and it's fun! Just tilt your head to the left and let your mind wander! :D

What's your favourite kind of dog? no dog
Have you ever been in the emergency room? yes

Ever pet an elephant? can't say that I have...

What are you eating right now? Chicken and Dumplings
Do you use fly swatters? um no

Is there a fan in your room? yup

Do you chew gum?
yes. gum is awesome!
Do you like Gory movies? hell no

How are you?
What's your height? 5'3"

What colour is your hair? black

Have you ever ice skated?
no, but it looks like fun!
Ever been in an igloo? Nope

Favourite Jelly Bean?
Jelly Belly!
Do you wear jewellery? too lazy to wear jewelry. will do earings sometimes

Who do you want to kill? no one

Have you ever flown a kite? yes!

Do you think kangaroos are cute? yes! awesome jumping creatures lol

Are you laid back?
for the most part

Lions or Tigers? bears

Do you like black licorice? ew....

Favourite store at the mall?
bah I hate the mall...I guess Lane Bryant

Favourite movie? Deliver Us From Eva, Ever After

Do you have a nickname?
on here, gt. in life, neva, G
Do you prefer night or day? night

Are you an only child?
Do you like the colour orange? um no

Do you know anyone named Penelope?
can't say that I do

Have you ever eaten Quail?
why the hell would I eat quail?

Do you think you're always right?
Yes, and if other people would realize it, then the world would be a better place.
Do you watch Reality TV? yes!

Do you prefer sun or rain?

Do you like snow? yes!

What time is it?
6:07 p.m.
What time did you wake up? 6:30 a.m.

Can you ride a unicycle?
I wouldnt bet on it

Did you ever watch VeggieTales?
lima beans! collard greens! peachy keen! VEGGIE TALES! to sum up, yes I have :D (hey when you've worked in a daycare you've seen every children's show known to man lol)

What's your worst habit?
What do you want right now? for this horrible cold to go away

Have you ever had an X-ray?
oh yeah

Ever used a xerox machine? part of the requirements of being a teacher is being able to run off lots of papers, so yes, I have used a xerox machine

Do you like the colour yellow?
um no

What year were you born in? 1984
Do you yell when you're angry? no not really

Do you believe in the zodiac?

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