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Some Awesomely Funny But Painful News.

Hay Dudes.

Well guess what happened to me lol!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday i got a cuoncussion and today i was completley knocked unconsious.:D:D:D

Yesterday i found a 5 kilo flourecente lightstick and cracked it across my head and got a concussion!!!! Boy was everyone else laughing!!

And today i worked up the courage to drop in on the 2 and a half meter vert ramp and the first time i made it and i was like i am so awesome so the next time i tried it i got them to film it and as i was dropping in i lost my balance and i got flung off my Skateboard and smacked my head into the Concrete!!!!!!!

I was Unconsious for about 8 seconds!!!

It was wicked funny when i watched the footage but now i have a gash on the side of my head and i'm still concussed, so i have a headache lol.

Ok .
