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Today In Azeroth 4/12/07

Greeting's Fellow Adventurer's

Server: BlackRock

Character: AnarchyDudee

Alt/Main: Alt

Current Lvl: 12

Today I ventured around Azuremyst Isle, The Exodar and Bloodmyst Isle. The quests in these regions are some of the funnest that I have encountered during my whole entire WOW experiance! Some of them involve searching for StillPine Totems, others have me killing foe FurBolg's whatever the quest is there seems to be that little bit extra compared to Eastern Kingdom quests??? I dunno there is just something there???

Earlier on today I was asked by a NightElf Fisherman to find the remains of his wife and children, i did so with haste and heart. I found them in the corpse of a foe Wildkin and then i returned them to the mourning Husband. Such a grand series of quests:)

Icurrently have a One handed mace(McWeaksauce's Meat Tenderizer)and a shield(StillPine Defender)equipped, the mace has crushed the skull of many WildKin and the shield has blocked the swipes of many Wildkin. When I reach Lvl 15 i will be entering the BattleGrounds to slay some Horde scum!!!

Anywho I will return to questing and i will answer any comments you leave:P

Chow, Ciao