A few hours earlier, well known gaming laptop maker HP tweeted about the PC version of GTA V with the hashtag #GTAV.
Get ready to own your friends in Grand Theft Auto in October with the HP ENVY Phoenix 810 -http://owl.li/pHArk (via @Slashgear) #GTAV
Only a few months back did Nvidia leak GTA V for PC and then mysteriously removed it. Nvidia stated that GTA V would arrive along with AC 4, COD: Ghosts etc in the October - November range and now HP has also given a rumor about a November PC release.
The only information regarding the PC release by Rockstar themselves is that they were hiring people to port their upcoming titles for PC, this was 4 months back.
Grand Theft Auto V is available for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Post all your thoughts regarding this piece of info in the comments section. Will Rockstar force HP to backtrack their statement remains to be seen.
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