these hols i finally got to play resistance as much as i wanted!!!!!!andnow i think i killed the game for myself...i ended up joinin a clan called M.O.B-Masters of Battle. all the members seem to be from the UK thats cool cause british have one of the coolest accents in the world!!!!but one tiny prob is that my parents still dont know im online and if they find out im gonna be in crap get a talk bout dont go to bad sites all that ish and i hate it and they will start monitorin eveyrthin i do very intrusive i hate it!!!!!:evil:
oh well least im online but that means i cant buy anythin :(so i gotta tell them sometime....damn!!!but yaresistance is an awesome game i wud say the best out there so far wit aweome single player and online gameplay!!!!
also one thing i dont like bout livin in africa, things are very unreliable so my internet dies randomly everynow and again and for the past few days i havent been able to log on!!!!!! damnit! but im over esistance the splendour is nearly gone so i decided to keep that lil bit alive by playin other games such as colin mcrae 2 lol ya thats a ps1 game but i gotta say i love rally and i hope to get DIRT....well thats bout it