After a long absence from gamespot, Im back to post something here!! Plz leave comments so I can have some feedback.
A few days ago, I bought Paper Mario from the virtual console. Man, Im blown away at how Mario manages to succeed at every genre he explores. This game combines RPG, platform, adventures, puzzle and even strategy games. This game is so good it made me buy the to other Paper MArios. There both awesome( except maybe a little bit for Super Papaer Mario, a bit to much platforming there) and now Papaer Mario has become one of my favorites franchises. Damn those games are good!
As for my Wii gaming, I had a chance to catch up during my vacations. I got 240 stars in Super Mario Galaxy, and have been playing brawl on a regular basis. I bought no more heroes, which is awesome, and combines excelent swordfighting with crude humor and parody. Exactly my kind of game ( Super Mario Galaxy was too cute, with baby stars and all, but as I hopped throught planetoids defying gravity that really didnt matter) . I have already beaten it, And Im going for a second run. Also, Im alying on buying Mario Kar, which has received mixed reviews, but I know In my heart it is good. What do you think about it? Also, Im buying Animanl Crossing. I have never played it before, but it looks promising. That reminds me of Nintendo´s e3 conference.
Everybody keeps complaining that Nintendo did not announce enough hardcore games this year. well I say if you dont like it just dont play it, and wait for the other games ( New Zelda, Pikmin 3, Kid Icarus, NEw Mario) while playing hardcore third party games ( clone wars, call of duty 5, etc). People dont realize that just because nintendo didnt announce any hardcore titles there arent going to be some. I mean, we got Madworld coming, which looks great, a new tales of symphonia, and great games already available like Boom blox and Blastworks. I dunno why people keep complaining if they get games they can play thir party games taht dont suck. But i DO feel that Nintendo is now taking a different aproach, aiming to appeal to everybody. Im asking you right now, just do casual and hardcore games SEPARATELY. dont try to simplify existing franchises because you will end pleasing no one. Make a new franchise, for casuals, for people who want those games. Make the new Zelda game a hard one, compelling, challenging, hardcore. Not just put 3 dungeons less, dumb down gameplay and say its a casual-hardcore title. Just do another one easier and more friendly . Is that so hard? Ok back to the third party thing... I do think the Wii is getting the best 3rd party support, and this games lkeep getting better and bettter! Lets keep the momentum Plz!
When the DS launched, Nintendo started making games to appeal to casuals. That worked excellent, it atracted other people to games, but Nintendo still offered games for core gamerslike New Super Mario Bros, MArio Kart and Metroid Prime Hunters. Wii started its first year liek that offering games like Wii sports and Braing Age but maintaining its key core franchises good with titles like MP3 and SMG, not dumbing it down. But now Im tyerrified seeing that Nintendo is now simplfying all games so that everyone can play. I know i am repeating myself, but thats something I really need to say. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DONT SIMPLIFY AND DOUMB DOWN. IM repeatin, I know, but I just want Nintendo to really understand that casuals shoould play casual games, and that nintendo DOES NOT have toruin their key franchises ( this started with mario kart, and im afraid it will extned. Still buying it though.) They can experiment with new ones. I mean, look how wii sports turned out. Everyone played it, but it was a new IP, not a dumb down of old franchises. to resume my point, Nintendo should try not to mix hardcore and casual games, they should try to make them seprately. And if they do, they should make a new franchise, keeping the old ones for us ol´hardcore gamers.
Ok moving on... Im really, really excited for Guitar Hero world tour. Since I played GH3, i was hooked in it. And now wit drums and vocals being added to mix, I am happy that i stick to this franchise and not to rock band. Its incredible how the guys at vicarious visions are trying to make a good wii version, not a half asses one ( * cough* rock band *cough*). They are including the band studio, the dowloadable content, everything! not ill just have to wait until it comes out and see if it kicks rock band 2´s ass.
Thats About it for today... See you later! and Please comment!
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