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#1 guilty_spork
Member since 2006 • 42 Posts
Hell yah... I kinda saw Jack as a whiney little b!tch boy after MGS2, but he is sufficentely bad ass in 4. He kinda went from Cloud to Sephiroth. Nice. Did anyone else notice in the cutscene... I cant remember who was talking but when they were referring back to the past story and it scrolls through all the MG games PS menu style, that after MGS4, there is two "under construction" file pix? What could this mean for the franchise? Lets hope its a Raiden ninja game and not annother AC!D.. bleh
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#2 guilty_spork
Member since 2006 • 42 Posts
I just broke 10k points... Pretty sad concidering I've had 360 since day 1. Its still a feeling of pride tho. There's people out there that have 20k, 30k... over 40k.
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#3 guilty_spork
Member since 2006 • 42 Posts
  I'm sick of halo bashers... if the controll is so bad, weapons soo stupid and all that other stuff that was said; Why are there so many fans and why is it concidered to be one ot the top tier franchises of all all time? I guess the solid gameplay and perfect balance of the entire game is just a mass halucination. OK people... we have all been fooled into a mass conspiracy by bill gates and the ilumiati posing as bungie to train us to fight against the coming galactic invasion of moon master tom cruise and his secret army of underage vegitarian isac hayes clones with transexual laser sock weapons... or maybe you are just haters who cant play halo and are pissed at the rest of us for truly enjoying one of gaming's richest experiences.
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#4 guilty_spork
Member since 2006 • 42 Posts

[QUOTE="hirushubi2"]They will probably (and hopefully) extend the beta.justforlotr2004

Nope the beta isnt for our enjoyment. We may get to try stuff out and have fun but the overall goal isnt about you having fun for a long period of time, its about them getting the data they need and the shutting it down and getting to work on what the data gave them. 3 weeks for them is already almost too long for them.

3 weeks is too long for a beta? Yah, sure. Shadowrun lasted over 3 months and so did numerous other betas. It is clear that Bungie has the game pretty much polished and intends for it to be a sort of "demo" that they could benefit from. Why else make a contest out of it?

They are just mining for data, and once they get that data there is no purpose to keep the beta up because it just wastes manpower and time that they could be putting towards the final product.  What you fail to realise is this isnt just a "demo" its a beta for testing, so if a problem acures during that time they dont have any obligation to extend that time unless they need it.  Just be greatful you will even get to test the game before its out because they could of just done a mass internal beta and not let any of us random guys in.

  Both views are essentialy correct. They were nice enough to let us play when they could have done internal testing. They have to pay testers tho. Why pay somone to do a job when you have millions of people begging to do it for free... to PAY to do the job even. Remember what happened when Tom Sawyer was told to whitewash the fence... he tricked somone else into doing his job for him and got a free apple out of the deal. (if i remember correctly.. my american lit classes were a long tima ago) the point is: we all win. The fans are just dissapointed in thier lack of thoroughness after promising a specific date/time for somthing we all dearly want. Dont expect me to feel gratefull for being unpaid market research tester #347b. Expect me to be gratefull that im playing a great game. And to be clear... the real issue here isnt the lack of thoroughness in makig a great game its lack of thouroghness in making sure its delivered propperly... with all the work that went into the beta its frustrating that noone bothered to make sure we would be able to d/l it when the time came.

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#5 guilty_spork
Member since 2006 • 42 Posts

Hahaha.  I can't wait until all these kids get into the real world and find out that not everything works so smoothly.  I work in IT and we are in the middle of an email migration from one mail system to another.  Its a huge project, lots of people involved, over a year in planning, and we still run into problems every day.  IT is not a perfect world people.  Plus its just a game and a BETA at that.  BETA implies there will be issues.  So I find all the crying in this thread to be rather humorous.  At least it puts a smile on my face while I take a break from the email issues.  8)wingman15

 But workin in IT even you must be baffled that with the planning that SHOULD go into a project like this, somthing as simple as making sure the button to access the product is working properly. The problem isnt the beta itsself, its the access to it. somone was asleep on the job there. You obviously take your job seriously and know what you are doing. Do us all a favor and apply for the poor sap's job that messed this all up. He is sooo fired. PLEASE !!!

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#7 guilty_spork
Member since 2006 • 42 Posts
...just a game? Gaming is a lifestyle for some of us. Halo is among the upper eschelon of great games and is WAY more than "just a game". Its THE game. Its the third coming of jesus. Its gaming nirvana. If it was"just a game" why would so many people be this upset about it. In the grand scheme of the cosmos its insignifigant. In a gamer's life, a gamer who lives for these tastes of gaming perfection, the very rare, elite, gods of games that come along every few years, every minute of waiting is unbareable. Jesus was "just a guy" but to people who like that stuff he's the cats ass. So believe what you want. Halo fans know why we play and why we cant wait. If you dont know why its such a big deal then maybe you have never really experienced the halo we all know and love.... are you sure you're not playing Barbie's magical tampon adventures?
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#10 guilty_spork
Member since 2006 • 42 Posts
   Screw patience... Id rather be patiently blasting fools in glorious HD from behind a nifty bubble shield.
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