Is anyone else still having problems cause this is really annoying me now, we pay for this junk and we havent even been informed as to what is going on.The only inside info we have is from Larry Hryb who is not really being helpfull he dosent even seem to really be addressing the problem anymore.I called 18004myxbox and they told be they were updating the servers but I don't really buy it cause on the site it says up and running.
ME 2 is down and now I prolly lost my lv in TS even through we won....this happens way 2 often considering its a premium service thats cost money plus all the content download we have to pay for.Can't even play most of my arcade games cause there link to my gamercard not the box considering the xboxes break way too often
Can't log in either when I test xbl connection the xbl logo fails so ya I guess its down....Again you think we would get better service since we pay but this has been happening way to often.What sucks is it disconnected me right when we won a TEAM SLAYER MATCH so I dont think I got the win that would have made me a 35 :cry:
Sadly I agree just cause I actually droped the money on the HD-DVD player but its not failing because of poor visual quality but just cause certain movies like sawIII and SpiderMan3 won't ever come out for HD-DVD Player.But in a couple years none of this will matter digital distrbution is the future
Their isnt really anything out right now that makes the PS3 worth buying unless your looking for a blu-ray player Which dosent help me since I have an HD-DVD player already.Motorstorm was rushed so it lacks alot of features Reisistance was a good game but not a killer app...SO I guess it comes down to if your one of those people who need the newest things on the block but if your just a regular gamer I would say wait intill more exclusives come out and if this "Home" thing is any good the xbox 360 is still a better buy as of right now.
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