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guitargirl5 Blog


Hello everyone! How's it going? Wooh! I beat GTA IV about two weeks ago, and I am recovering quite well. I was awfully scared there for a while. I stayed up the entire night once during my GTA addiction. That was a bit too much, even for me. As I said though, I beat it, and I am better now. I still have more to complete to get 100% though, but I'm going to take my time. So what now then? GAMING BONANZA TIME!!!!!

This is not a real event, except that I am making it up right now. If it's not copyrighted, yeah I'm copyrighting that now, consider it copyrighted, done! Anyway, what I'm talking about is a massive shopping spree for video games. Maybe you've done it before, well guess what now it's called a GAMING BONANZA. The all caps is essential to the "bonanzaness." There I just made up a word too. I'm going on one! A big one, whether my wallet likes it or not! I don't care. I need to fill this craving for games. So what I would like to do is tell you guys the games I'm thinking about getting, and maybe you could do me a favor and tell me what you think of them (if you have played them). Basically a "Yeah, definitely get it!" or a "It really wasn't that great." (with some explanation)

For the most part right now, I want to buy some games that were released a while ago as opposed to new releases. Hopefully, by the time I finish the older and cheaper games, the new releases' prices will have been reduced. Got to save all the $$$$$ I can if I want to go on a GAMING BONANZA. Some of these games I may already be sold on, but your opinions would really help me out.

?games I'm unsure of getting

$games I'm waiting for the price to drop

Nintendo Wii

No More Heroes, $Mario Kart Wii, $Super Mario Galaxy, $Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Bully: Scholarship Edition, $Wii Fit?

Xbox 360

Crackdown?, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion("game of the year edition" worth it?), F.E.A.R.?, Hitman: Blood Money?, Mass Effect?, The Orange Box?, Saints Row?, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas, $Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Fight Night: Round 3, Dead Rising, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare(is it worth it if I don't utilize the multiplayer because I hear single player is too short)?

Also, if you have any games that I have not listed that you highly recommend, please share!

Lastly, I would just like to say: "If you have not seen The Dark Knight yet, GO AND SEE IT! I saw it on opening day, and I really liked it. The joker has always been my favorite comic book villian of all time, let alone my favorite villian of any media of all time. Most villians have an agenda or goal (money, power/world domination, revenge, etc.), but not the Joker. That is why I love him. He has no reason to do the things he does, other than for the fun of it, to promote chaos. He's just so cool like that. His style, his lack of sanity, his poor sense of humor; He is simply the best in villiany. The movie was brilliant in my opinion. Lengthy, about 2 1/2 hours. Very, very dark (hey, it isn't call "The Light Night"). Tons of action, amazing action. Twists, turns. Overall, just a darkly fun sort of ride. So please, I would love to have your gaming opinions, and I'll let you know how the GAMING BONANZA turns out!

Why so serious? (see that movie!!!...seriously)


GameSpot? What's GameSpot?

Oh, oh yeah. Right, this thing...:)

Well you cannot call me a liar...I told you in the last blog (and probably every other one too) that I wouldn't write for a while. And what happened? Exactly that. Honestly though, I didn't think "a while" would be 6 months. So for that, sorry.

So basically I will just let you know what is going on now, rather than explaining the events of the last 6 months, that would not be fun for either of us, believe me! There's this thing called summer, and it's here apparently. I love it! Yay! :)

I plan on buying and playing so many video games it is practically absurd. Also, in about hmmm 5 days I plan on taking a plunge of sorts. I will be buying an XBox360. Gah!! And why? Three words and a roman numeral. Grand Theft Auto IV. I cannot wait! After I purchase that, I expect my life to wither away into stealing cars and killing people (in virtual reality of course!). In addition to that, I do no even have the energy to type the other games I will be buying. It's a lot. :)

So I hope all is well with you guys and gals. I plan on being more active now that I have my long-desired free time. So don't be shy, and I won't be either. For old times sake: Stay Classy.


Happy Holidays!....but wait there's more! If you read in the next ten seconds...

Hey everyone! It's been a while. I'm going to do the consistently accurate and old time favorite excuse of "I've been busy" to explain for my as always more than likened absence from updating this blog of mine. It's the truth though. It's harsh to say but quite honestly in the grand design of my life this blog isn't exactly in the fore-front of my busy mind. Sorry for anyone who has a burning desire for me to blog, allow me to consistently cool it down with my ever-present laziness.

Pressing on...Happy Holidays! That's the politically correct thing for me to say, but in my case Merry Christmas! I'm not going to mash all sorts of the holiday names together to form one ginormous and completely unecessary mega holiday. Also, my birthday was 13 days ago, December 10th, for the mathmatically impaired. It was quite nice. Today, is actually Alison Sudol's birthday, so happy birthday to her, as if she reads this blog of mine, butstill in the very extremely small, unlikely, and insane chance that she does (happy birthday).:)

So with the holiday season games. Any slight gamer would know that much. Well in 2 days my brother, who is coming home for Christmas, and I will be recieving such gems for Christmas. He owns an XBox360 and I, a Wii. No PS3's for this family. It was either that or keep the house. I keed the PS3, but seriously I'm not willing to sell a kidney just yet. I know you can live with one, but I'm content with two. Again, I keed. Sony has dropped the price though, but I'm still not gonna get a PS3 anytime soon. I might actually buy a 360 in the near future possibly, but I am still very pleased with my Wii.

Forgive me, I digress...I pretty much already know the games that "Santa" will be giving my brother and I for Christmas, so I can give you a pre-Christmas forecast of the potential games to be recieved. For me: Guitar Hero 3, Manhunt 2, Super Mario Galaxy, Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Wii Zapper, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. I believe those are the canidates there. My brother: he's bringing his 360 and we'll be playing already released and already owned games: Halo 3, Gears of War, BioShock, etc. But the new-comers are: Assasin's Creed and Tomb Raider Anniversary. I'll let you know the exacts and impressions after the holiday. :)

So now I must be off to enjoy this wonderful festive season. Aside from the true reason of the holiday season, the birth of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (maybe you've heard of him), it's a time to enjoy other things too: Family, friends, food, presents to give and to recieve, video games, movies, music, clothes, books, etc. Just some time to relax and to have some fun. So whatever holiday you're celbrating enjoy it! Have fun! I'll let you know about the games in my next in-all-likely-hood delayed blog entry. Until then, Stay Classy!


A Blog for Blogging's Sake

Hey everyone! The title speaks for itself, if the title could actually speak that is...Anyway just wanted to stop by and say hi, oh my, that ryhmes! I haven't been on here for awhile 'cause I've been extraordinarilly (I think that's a word, if not it is now) busy. I'm going to these modeling/acting classes on Saturday's now, which just adds to my already hectic life. I still have basketball conditioning, Fashion Advisory Board stuff, plus school alone is killing my precious time. Bahhh, oh well, I just have not a lot of time to myself now. But I did manage to have time to pick up "The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass" for my DS about a week ago. Great game! I've really enjoyed it. It keeps the classic Zelda handheld gameplay (actions/dungeons/etc.), and yet the inclusion of the nearly complete stylus control adds a vast sense of originality and creative difference for the ecclectic franchise. So far, with the time I've had to play it, I'm on the beginning of the temple of Courage part, and hopefully I'll have some time to play that later today. I'm very excited actually, I have today off! Three day weekend!!! Yahooooo!!!

Anyway, much, much, much, much, more excitingly.......I recently was blessed and honored with the chance of me meeting my hero!!!!!! The very lovely lady you see at the tippity top of my blog! I got to meet Alison Sudol, talk with her, get autographs and pictures with her, even got to hug her, after attending one of her concerts! It was absolutely amazing! Highlight of my life right there. If you haven'tchecked out "A Fine Frenzy" yet, you are sorely mistaken and unaware of the pure heavenly fantasticness of "A Fine Frenzy". If you can't tell, I'm abig fan, the biggest. How many people in their lives can say that they've met there hero? I can! I'm still in utter amazement of the whole thing. Well anyway, I'm off to enjoy some time off! Watched "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" last night. Very creative movie. I'll probably just watch another movie today and maybe some old Nip/Tuck episodes (one of my favorite shows, new season starts Oct. 30th, I'm excited but interested to see exactly how the move from Miami to Hollywood will work out...we'll see), play some Zelda, and just relax. Well, I will talk to you "cool cats" later, or maybe you're a hot cat, a luke-warm cat, possibly a moderately temperate cat? Well, whatever temperature of cat, actually you're not even cats at all, what a wierd saying when you think about it.....sorry for that, I guess I'll just say I will talk to you fantastic people later! Yeah, that works.

Stay Classy,


Holy Sugar!

I have had 1002 profile views! Thanks everyone who looks at my profile.......1002 times, lol. Wow, I don't know why anyone comes back. But, thank you anyway. So ummm, how've ya been? I'm doing just fine meself!

Okay, Okay, Okay

So when it comes to updating this blog o' mine, I'm not so good. I'll admit it. Sorry, it's not you blog, it's me. I'm just tired of seeing that the stupid thing is saying I'll be on vacation for a week and a half, when that vacation has come and gone. So here I am.

I'll be brief, though I think boxers are more macho, sorry random, though true, lol. Hmmmm so basically, the dreaded thing I call school is beginning to rear its ugly head and I'm still procrastinating my English ASSignments. I've done more than a bunch of stuff for the Fashion Advisory Board since I last blogged, (I feel like I'm in internet confession or something) lol. Been playing Mortal Kombat when I have the time. Been writing a bunch of songs. Started to self-teach myself (so redundant :)) how to play the piano. I'm in love with it. I couldn't stop with the guitar and drums, no, I must play the piano. Part of what inspired me to do so was the very beautiful and talented person you see at the top of my blog: Alison Sudol. Check out "A Fine Frenzy", you won't be disappointed, she's absolutely amazing! I'm actually going to see her in concert in October! I am so funking excited!!!!

Oh, and I have been appointed to leader of The Bully Player Union, so if any of you loyal friends and blog readers o' mine would like to, I don't know, say join the union, I would appreciate it immensely. It needs a kick start, and I've always wanted to play soccer (the one sport I swear that I never played). In retrospect I wish I would have....Sorry lost in thought. Anyway, please if you would like to, you are more than welcome to join! That's pretty much what's been going on. Well, I got to get to reading for my stupid English Nonsense. I'll talk to you rad people later (I'm practicing for a "Decade Party" I'm going to on Sunday. I'm rocking the totally awesome 80's! Seriously, if I could have grown up in any other decade other than my own, I totally wish it were the 80's! I'd be in my basement doing a rubics cube, playing pong, listening to Pat Benetar and Billy Idol right now!):D

Stay Classy,


On vacation for a week and a half!

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. :) This is going to be the shortest blog I'll probably ever have. Oh, and in response to last blog, how do you put up an audio file? I would like to get one up of my band, but I have no clue, so if you guys could help me out with that it would much appreciated. Thanks. I'll be back on the 22nd, so stay classy everyone!


Happy Fou....oh well I guess it's the fifth now....Happy 5th of July!

Hey everyone! School's out! I got a 4.0 again, just have to keep it up again next year! :) All A's is a **** to keep up, but anyway.....SUMMER!!!!!! I love it sooooooooooo much! Went out to the lake today, went boating and jet skiing. So much fun! Happy 4th of July by the way, hope you all had a nice day!

I recently bought Mortal Kombat: Armegeddon for the Wii. I like it very much. The controls are a bit, well different when you first start playing. It did take me a while to honestly start to be able to do the wrist movements just right on some moves. A little frustrating, but not too bad really. A lot to do in the game. I could truly just do solo fights and be happy, but there is a lot more to the game (kuest mode, kreate a fighter, kart racing, and attempting kreative and unique finishes can all keep you busy for hours). I highly recommend it. Best fighting game on the Wii, thus far (did you guys hear about Soul Calibur: Legends? I'm pretty excited!), and definately a great game to play with friends, and to consume some of those summer hours.

I'm very excited to say that my band and I have recorded our first track! It's a song that I wrote. I am the singer as well as guitar player, oh and if it ever calls for it, the occasional cow-bell. We've also been working on some other songs that I have written, and I'm just very thrilled about the whole process. Hearing your voice without anyone else behind you, recorded for the first time is a little crazy, but I'm actually glad to know that I'm not too bad of a singer. I am in no way even close to the level of Amy Lee, I mean she is on a plain of her own, but I did channel her a bit in my voice.

Basketball camp has come and gone, exhausting but integral in becoming a better basketball player. I am on something called the Fashion Advisory Board here at a local mall, and we have a meeting tomorrow. I also would like to get some "musical fusion" in tomorrow as well. "Musical fusion" is the term used for, well creating music really. Not sure if I'll have time though. I have to go to a baseball game on Friday to represent the Fashion Advisory Board (F.A.B.), and am also supposed to somehow make it to a graduation party as well that evening. Saturday and Sunday, I have to do "freeze modeling" for F.A.B., at Ibelieve the mall. Busy right now, but I don't mind, better than being in school or being bored. I'm going on vacation on the 14th through the 22nd. I'm excited to see the upcoming Harry Potter Movie in the 11th, and the book comes out on the 21st. I'll still be on vacation, but my dad will pick it up at midnight for me. I also need to find time to do stupid summer english assignments.

To sum up my life and what I either want it or need it to be in the next few weeks: Musical Fusion/Music, Basketball, Vacation, Harry Potter/Reading, Movies, F.A.B., Summer English, Video Games, Hanging out with friends, Swimming, Sun. Only some of those things I mind, I just wish I had more time to do only things that I wanted to do. Hope all is well with you guys, and that your summer has been enjoyable and continues to be. Stay Classy.


I'm alive, at least I'm pretty sure I am. Lots to share!

So tomorrow would be one month since my last blog, that's 1/12 of an entire year right there. Sorry, but I've been really busy lately and with the end of the school year approaching very rapidly, I've had other pressing matters to worry about. So a lot has happened in the course of a month, which I'm sure you probably already could have deduced. I'm sure a lot has happened in your lives as well, mostly good I hope! My month's been fair, okay I guess, I've had ups and downs, highs and lows. I'll try to keep things short but here we go.

First I wanted to keep you guys updated on my nephew who is already over 2 months old, he's growing and he's so cute! He's been having problems lately though, keeping his food down, and we've been worried about him. He went to a gastrologist (doctor who deals with the digestive system and such) a few days ago. He's fine, he actually has acid reflux! He'll be okay. They gave him this medicine, and it's lemon flavored, and he actually likes it. I haven't seen him since mother's day, but apparently he must look really cute when he eats it, cause he licks his lips and makes like a pucker face or something, it sounds cute. So he's healthy, and I'm very happy about that.

Um, One Tree Hill's back on the air, excited about that. It's been good so far, re-rens tonight though. I was dissapointed with the America's Next Top Model finale. I wanted the girl who came in third to win. She really should have! Linkin Park's cd has come out. It's good, but I was expecting more from them after 4 years. It's definately a new sound, but I'm still a huge fan and I still believe they rock! I saw Spider-Man 3 the day it came out. It was good, but once again, I was expecting more, who knows if there'll be a 4!?! I actually saw Shrek 3 last Friday too, not because I'm a huge fan of that, but really just because I wanted something to do with my friends and the Shrek movies have been good. It was okay, it had some funny parts, loved it when Snow White starting singing Led Zepplin's Immigrant song! But in just 48 hours my friends, pretty much exactly...........PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN:AT WORLD'S END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. I truely think this will be the best movie of the summer, and probably the whole year! Seeing it Thursday at 8:00 p.m., the first showing there is!

Other than that, been focused on school. Personally, I fell for someone recently, and had a revelation Monday night about them. Basically, it was just to make a concious effort to not let myself fall for them, because I know nothing's going to happen, and that's actually made me feel a lot better now. I needed that, and it's making my week go better. Ummm formed a band, and may become the lead singer of another band, we'll see how that turns out, so it's going to be a busy summer. I also plan on getting a summer job, I have to go to basketabll camp, vacation to somewhere, and of course hanging out with my friends is going to make this the best summer yet. Not to mention, finally it seems that this new-found freedom coming up called summer, will allow me the most time yet to be able to play my Nintendo Wii like I've wanted to! I'm so incredibley excited for summer, more than other summer before! Well I hope your last month has gone alright, and I'll try to get on here more, like I said a lot more time will be available once school ends! All for now, have a great week everyone!


Thanks for stopping by,


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