my parents run an insurance agency :(
guitarhero323's forum posts
HELP i dont know what to do.
I was talking with my parents on the way home today and the subject of jobs came up. ill be 16 and getting my licence soon and that means a job, we were talking about how ill spend my money.
them: gas,some insuance.
me: no prob.
them:save some.
me: no prob.
them: oh and youll have to tith to church.
me: what?. The only thing i hear. "and dont forget to take your hard earned paycheck rip off 10% and give it to something you dont believe in."
me: Do I have to?
Them:yes, its for the lord its what you do.
me:*silently sinks back into seat and puts headphones on.*
now my delima is that they dont know im an atheist. I planed on keeping it that way. I mean i can go to church and pretend right? But this i cant overlook. If i work for something its my money damnit. But im scared, I think im going to tell them upon the arrival of my first paycheck when the time comes.The thing is they get so livid with me if I so much as dispute a word in the bible.(they take it as literal fact)
I cant imagine what will come my way.
Will they make me quit working?
not let me drive?
ground me for life?
Kill me?
has anyone been in this situation?
idk if i feel good with a cop runing around whos idol is roarshak2 more years of secondary school(High school) , then go onto collage and get a job. Then about the end of the 5 years apply for the police since i be 21 or 22 then.
This is the most constructive post so far.
Seriously, theyre diehard parents...its not worth the trouble. Just deal with it for 2-3 more years; they are your parents, so give them some slack.
When the time is right (18+, or when youre out of the house) tell them. I dont know if you have college ambitions, but theyll likely want to pull you out of school, so just tell them youve been atheist since you were 15.
To be fair, pretending you're something you're not, going and doing something related to that (church) etc for several years can cause severe mental stress and disorders, so it indeed could be worth the trouble to do it now instead of going through trauma for 3+ years. I also don't think any decent parent would want their child to go through that for their sake.
If taking an hour out of your week to go to Church drives someone insane, then well, they weren't going to make it very far anyways.
aculy church is 3 hour plus i have to go on wensday and i hate it and if i say i dont want to go that day because i have something else to do they make me go and say its what we do as a family and i get pissed i hate this **** and im starting to hate the. they think the music i listen to is garbage and destroys my sould(i like metal) they wouldnt let me get a freakin iron maiden over the last year i have became a full on atheist.
my parents dont know so i still have to attend church. i would like to tell them but im afraid of what might happen. I might not be punished in the typical sense but i fear they might start to hate me or even bother me about my beleif and in general think of me as a pile of festering satan dung. Also they are crazy into it they are pentacostal witch is prob. the weirdest mainstream christion denomination.
Also i used to be very much a believer and they knew it so it might be harder to tell them at this point in life. im 15 by the way.
please i need help and suggestions i can't live this lie anymore i need to tell them.
so im decideing weather to go to this tech highschool in my area. its a bigger place
my high school now has like 400 people grade 9-12 but this school has 2000 people 11-12
so what is the differences of going to a larger school.
what i expect is a more diverse crowd and generaly more interesting people.
please shre stories of your big school or of moveing to a way bigger school and what its like.
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