I am usually the guy that goes for the better specs and especially when it comes to games I would want the best console to play games. But I already have a gaming PC fully decked for seemingly the remaining console cycle.. unless shady business practices force me to upgrade to windows 8.1 for DX 11.2. But thats a minor inconvenience. Well not really but anyway I am going with the Xbox one, I think it will offer a different experience than you get on superior gaming machines like PC's. Kinect and augmented reality glasses could be a game changer for me personally and I myself prefer MS exlusives over the Sony's. If sony comes crashing through the door with amazing games that are superior and must plays then I will simply purchase a PS4 down the line. I also like the MS controller to much.. its important to me. To be fair I have not gotten the chance to try out Sony's new improvments to their controller.
guitarist1980's forum posts
oops sorry I messed up the title.. few beers deep my bad.
I know a lot of this depends on your console gaming set up.. but from the demo I just saw. I am completely in love with this technology. I use to game with eyefinity triple screen monitors but there were certain flaws that made me just want to switch to 1 single larger IPS display. However this is not for PC and if this technology is inluded in the 720's or Infinity's premium package Microsoft just pulled ahead. I am not a fan boy but this sort of technology is really going to add somethin worthwhile to our gaming experiences. This little feature alone has now made me understand why Microsoft is including the Kinect technology in every console going forward.
dont listen to these disgruntled gamers. Diablo 3 is the best hack and slash dungeon crawler to ever be created. It took D2's concepts and cut away all the BS. Don't start saying the game is easy until you beat Hell. Hell is hard has hell. Especially if your playing single player. Its easier if your playing co op.
The Vita is awesome. I have not bought a handheld since GBA. But I bought a Vita and played some Uncharted and some Mod nation and I am very impressed with the machine. It does deliver a console like experience and these are only launch games. The games are going to get better as time goes on, provided they sell enough of these things.
The game I am most looking forward to is Warriors Lair formerly known as Ruin. I just bought it last night and wasnt really planning on playing with it, but Uncharted sucked me in. I am really blown away by the device. Its a little tough getting use to the controls at first but I started to get the hang of it. I bought just an 8 gig Storage card, that should be more than enough. I also picked up Modnation and the Golf game.
Also looking forward to Killzone (Vita version)
Call of Duty
Dragons Crown
Maybe Mortal Kombat
I also think Little Big Planet would be a nice Vita Game to have.
The New MK game was one of the best games of the year for me.. I had a bunch of fun with it and would love to get it for the Vita if.. I decide to actually buy one.
My PS3 slim sounds like a jet engine. Ok for games but horrible for watching movies.. and the crappy thing is one of the deciding factors for me shelling out the extra money for a PS3 when I already own a gaming rig and a 360 was because of the Blue Ray drive.
Apparently I got one of the loud ones, its common but not the norm. Most people say there slim is very quiet.
BTW I can't understand how you would trade in a PS3 for a Vita.. It doesn't make sense to me. If you like video games you would much rather play them on your big TV rather than a tiny screen. Vita is great if you travel a lot or in case of power outages.. but I can't see using it as a primary source of gaming.
I havent played with it yet but I pre ordered one, I knowingly won't use it all that much but its a great thing to have for rare circumstances like power outages and or travelling. I will buy the cheapest memory card along with WI FI only and I will buy Uncharted and Warriors Lair when it releases.
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