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gunshipradio Blog with more FREE TIME!

So considering I've been working around 70 hrs a week for the past five months, I've really had no time to take advantage of the fact that my most recent roommate has a 36" Sony Bravia with a X360 attached to it. That situation has now been rectified. Mmm...points. Here I come.


So after reading the Bioshock review (fantastic by the way) I had the dumb idea to hop on the forums and see what people were saying.

Holy s***.

You'd think that Mr. Gerstmann went to hundreds of peoples homes and murdered their families in front of them. Its just insane how personally these people are reacting to a REVIEW OF A VIDEO GAME. A video game, people.

I'm still going to play this game and no review was going to get in the way of that.


BioShock DEMO!! (Update)

Its 2:48 in the morning...and I'm at 60%. The live servers must be getting slammed. I'll be really curious to see the number of downloads in the first 24 hours.

E3 thoughts...

So E3 is done with and I must say that Gamespot did a hell of a job with the coverage. Things of note...

Going in there were games that I definitely wanted to see and find out more about, but I really wanted to be blown away by something that hadn't had much coverage or was completely under the radar. The big titles (Assasin's Creed, Crysis, Bioshock, etc.) impressed me, but it was mostly a case of "Seen it, want it, now let me play the damn game." Note to publishers: We want to play your games. Now. You've sold us. We are your damn zombie slaves.

For me however, the big ones were Call of Duty 4 and Mass Effect. Both of those games look amazing. During the Mass Effect Stage Demo, I had a holy crap moment when the guy pulled back to reveal more planets, and then more solar systems. It was really similar to when I saw them pull back on the battlefield in Supreme Commander to show just how damn big it was. Though in this case instead of pulling back to see more battlefield, you pulled back to reveal more galaxy. COD4 impressed me on multiple levels from presentation, to mechanics, to well, everything. Plus I can't wait to play a Call of Duty game where its not WWII.

I'm totally buying the Orange Box.

Gears of War on PC. Hell yeah.

Rock Band looked like a hell of a lot of fun. I'm in an actual rock band with guys who are huge Guitar Hero freaks and I'm sure between us we're gonna have some killer throwdowns.

All and all a good show but my one constant thought the whole time I was watching the live coverage and reading all the news posts was how much I want to play these games and I can't yet. The waiting is gonna suck.

Level 20, a retrospective

So I've hit level 20 here on Gamespot, and while I know that the level system doesn't really get me anything it did make me think about all the time I've spent here since December of 2004 when I first signed up.  I've seen a couple of E3's (and the fantastic Gamespot footage), TGS, a whole lot of On The Spots, and of course enjoyed many an hour listening to The Hotspot.  I've really come to enjoy the community here and the personalities that populate all of Gamespots weekly content.  I am proud to be a subscriber and a part of this collection of video game enthusiasts and look forward to seeing what Gamespot has in store for the future.

Tomb Raider : Legend

So I finished Tomb Raider : Legend. Great game, with an overly open-ended finish. The game made me feel like the first time I played Tomb Raider, fun game but damn that camera. I was most impressed with the enviroments. While they are obviously structured in a very linear fashion, some of them are downright beautiful. The waterfall/temple in Bolivia (If I recall correctly) was particularly picturesque.

By the way...

One of the things I do while not playing games is perform with my band Gunship Radio.  Check the link in the "About Me" section and tell me what you think.
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