[QUOTE="Snaptrap"]Does the loading system scratch discs like so many slot loading systems? Is a PS3 better for games than my MacPro? What's so bad about the controls in Lair? I always wanted to fly my own dragon and I'm a huge Panzer Dragoon fan so I need to know if it's bad controls or just a lacking ability of the player to use them. Is Warhawk online only? Is Motorstorm similar to the Rush series? Finally, can I play PS3 games on a monitor that has a 1440x900 resolution? You don't need to answer all of these questions, just the ones you can. Thanks!black_awpN1
No, 360s tend to scratch discs.
I dont know.
Theyre jsut unresponsive and annoying because the Six Axis isnt Percise enough. Its actually really bad.
Yes, Warhawk is.
I dont know, I found it simlair to Road Rash Personally.
IF its a Computer monitor, you cant play it. PS3 dosent have a VGA or DVI cable that I know of.
Hope that helps.
thats totaly wrong i play mine trough a DVI. so ya you can play it on a monitor
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