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Get More Gold Tonight!! | I Love It


The Tycoon Gold Guide is one of Manaviews latest inventions. Its a new in-game addon that claims to automate the most powerful gold strategies in the game leading to an increase in gold income of about 500%. It helps transform gold making into a fun, quick, and immensely profitable experience.

This is something WoW players have been waiting for since Vanilla and it has the power to completely change the way we make gold.

So, does Tycoon live up to the hype? Ive received a copy, used it for a week, and will give you my honest review here.

Does it work?

Ill get straight to what you want to know. Does Tycoon really work?

Yes, it absolutely works!

They claim you can make 230% more gold by using Tycoon. I found this to be a conservative number. I personally used the addon for several days now and Ive always managed to open my mailbox to over 500%-700% more gold than I normally get using the exact same strategies by myself.

How Tycoon Works

The idea is simple, yet incredibly powerful.

Manaview took the best gold strategies in the game and made an addon that automates the difficult or most time consuming parts of the strategy. Since its automated, it basically means they optimized the strategy so youre more efficient in doing it, resulting in about 5x more gold than you would normally get.

The 5 current strategies included are Gathering, Grinding/Farming, Crafting, Auction House Playing, and Dailies. This is 95% of all gold making strategies used by the WoW community, so almost nothing is left out.

The addon intelligently studies your servers economy and shows you things like:
- Exactly what strategy will make you the most money
- What item will make you the most money based on its calculations
- The best way to get that item by giving you things like, optimized gathering routes or hot farming locations.
- It knows if too many people are using that strategy and will often times tells you to get an item with no competition but high in demand. This means youre the only one getting that particular item because theres no competition, resulting in getting more of them. And there is high demand meaning you can sell it for super high prices.

Detailed Walkthrough

When you startup Tycoon, the first thing you need to do is scan the Auction House to help Tycoon learn your economy. This is super quick and done with a click of a button. This is similar to Auctioneer but its a much quicker scan that takes no more than 30 seconds to complete.

When the scan is complete Tycoon has enough information to do its magic. A window will appear with lists of items ordered from top to bottom by how much Tycoon believes you will make, per hour, if you go for that item.

Im impressed with how accurately Tycoon is able to give you solid advice on which items will make you the most money.

Often times, items that you never thought would make you the most gold per hour will appear at the top of the list. Thats where Tycoon really comes in handy. It has the ability to scan through an enormous amount of data that would take a human several hours to figure out. People usually skip past the economy studying part and just go straight for the highest level items, but with Tycoon youll discover those arent always the items that will make you the most gold per hour.

It knows your economy better than a human ever can, it knows if the market is inflated and knows when theres too much competition. If situations arent right to go for one item, Tycoon will give you another one. Its a good feeling to know youre always doing the strategy that makes you the most gold possible at that point in time.

Tycoon does more than just tell you the best way to make the most gold. It shows you!

If Tycoon tells me to mine say, Cobalt ore, all you need to do is click the Show me routes button and it will give you highly optimized mining routes. This creates ant trails around your which guide you over the most populated mining node locations. This feature is great and allowed me to double the amount of ore I typically get mining by myself.

This was an awesome feature added to the Gathering Module and I cant go over all the features in this short review. But all 5 Strategy Modules have some kind of special feature that helps you get the most of that item in the shortest amount of time!


I could only find one bad thing about Tycoon.

Sometimes Tycoon will put an item at the top of the Most Profitable list which isnt in very high demand. It does show you the demand of the item is low though. So, as long as you pay attention to that and dont go for any items that are low in demand, you should be able to quickly sell it. Otherwise, if you dont mind waiting, you will still sell it eventually.


Tycoon is a truly revolutionary product that is going to change Gold Making forever. Once youve used Tycoon, attempting to play without it will be nearly impossible.

The addon is beautiful and has very few bugs for a new product. With the data, tools, and special features of this addon, it is very hard NOT to make more gold using it.

They have gone above and beyond everything you will need to make 500% more gold per hour, or more. Every aspect of the gold strategies included has been enhanced by helpful data or features to help you do it better and faster.

Everything you can possibly need to become a true gold tycoon is right here in this brilliant addon by Manaview.

So, if youre looking to make more gold a LOT more gold I highly recommend checking out the Tycoon Gold Guide. It is by far the best way to make the most gold possible in the shortest amount of time.

Guild Wars 2 Powerleveling Secrets Unveiled

Can't believe this :( ----->

The release of Guild Wars 2 is a monumental event. Here we have an MMORPG that goes against the grain. Almost everything youve known about online games is thrown out the window. Unfortunately, with change comes adaptation, and take it from me, adapting to Guild Wars 2 is not exactly easy. Its so difficult that I sought the outside assistance of a gaming guide. I consider myself very lucky that the first guide I purchased was written by none other than Brad Johnson, pro gamer extraordinaire.

Whereas other Guild Wars 2 guides are either written by people who have hardly played the game or someone trying to capitalize on its success, Brads guide is written by a gamer for gamers. Brad worked extremely hard to get where he is now. He tried out virtually every profession and skill in the game, and took plenty of notes along the way. Finally, after much frustration Brad mastered Guild Wars 2. He then generously decided to share his findings via one all inclusive, user friendly gaming guide. The gaming community thanks you Brad.

Brad Johnson has a tremendous gaming track record. A pro gamer who has mastered many MMORPGs, Brad is a respected member of the hardcore gaming community. He was one of the worlds first gamers to reach level 80 in Guild Wars 2, and currently is participating in a myriad of endgame content. But he needs more gamers to quest with. He needs you to be as good as him. Thats why, for the very first time, hes sharing his secrets with the public.

Imagine never having to struggle again. Even if you only put in an hour or two of playing time each night, with Brads help you will level faster and more efficiently than someone putting in double the effort. Not only will Brad show you how to powerlevel like a beast, he will also share with you his extensive knowledge of PvP, crafting and how to make coin.

Brad does the leg work so you dont have to. So, if youre one of those gamers who has the potential for greatness, but lacks mentorship, check out Brad Johnsons Guild Wars 2 Secrets guide today.

My First and Only Guide

Go here for cookies :) ----->

Ive always been considered an elite gamer. Im the guy in my circle of friends that everyone comes to for advice. Among my many accomplishments Ive obtained a 2200 arena rating in World of Warcraft, became a member of the platinum league in Starcraft II and even was one of the few people in the world to achieve a score of two million on Bejeweled Blitz. Most recently, I cleared Diablo III on Inferno with my Barbarian, which is widely considered the most underpowered class.

So you can understand why I have never purchased a guide. That is until now. Guild Wars 2 kicked my you know what. Maybe because its so different from any game Ive ever playedI dont know. Point is, I was dying left and right. The game forums didnt really help, so I begrudgingly began looking for a guide. And man, am I glad I did. Brad Johnsons guide transformed me back into an elite gamer.

Thank goodness I stumbled upon Brad Johnsons blog. I could tell just from reading a few posts that this guy is a pro. Brad Johnson was one of the first people in the world to reach level 80. During his journeys he took a ton of notes on different professions, skills and quest routes. He then took his findings and wrote the most comprehensive Guild Wars 2 guide currently on the market.

I had to see it to believe it. A few hours after reading the guide I found myself leveling up like a madman. Dying became a thing of the past, and thanks to Brad Johnson, I always knew which quest to complete and what events to participate in. Furthermore, I learned how to acquire a ton of gold through crafting, and how to own at PvP. Today Im the proud owner of my own level 80 character, and am well on my way to participating in all sorts of endgame content.

This guide is amazing. Once again, my friends are turning to me for advice. I dont think that Ill tell them about Brad Johnsons guide just yet. After all, its kind of fun having such a big advantage over them.

Playing a Hardcore Game as a Casual Player

My preferred genre of choice is definitely MMORPGs like Guild Wars 2. Problem is, I simply dont have the time or energy that I used to. Reaching the highest level in any MMO usually takes an enormous commitment. Anyone who works a full-time job or owns a house will tell you that they take months, if not years, to master. But I refused to accept that. There had to be another way. Thanks to Brad Johnsons guide, there finally is.

I can proudly state that I am a happily married man with two lovely children, and two level 80 Guild Wars characters. Believe me, before I found Brads guide I never thought I was going get my Warrior to the top level, but by following his step-by-step advice, I was able to maximize my time in the game. Friends of mine would play all day just to gain one or two levels, but I was earning those levels in just a couple of hours each night.

Im the type of guy who likes to be the best. Before Guild Wars 2 Secrets, I would spend dozens of hours learning every skill, every rotation and every build. Suffice to say, spending that much time in the game got me into trouble with the missus. But with Brads proven methods by my side, I longer feel the need to scour forums for hours on end in the hopes of finding that one rotation that will lift me over the top.

Through Brad Ive learning everything there is to know about crafting, leveling, gearing up and acquiring coin. Even my PvP skills, an area that Im usually lacking in, are good enough to help my teams win tournaments.

Thanks to this guide, I really feel like Im making the best of my in game time. Hardly a moment passes where Im not completing a quest, killing a mob for maximum XP, or crafting a useful piece of gear.

I advise that anyone struggling to grasp the mechanics of Guild Wars 2 give Brads guide a shot. The worst that can happen is that youll be leveling more efficiently. At best youll become an in game legend.

I used to think there werent enough hours in the day to accomplish all of my goals. Now I realize that I just wasnt using my time as efficiently as I should. Brad Johnsons Guild Wars 2 Secrets guide taught me everything I had hoped to learn and then some. I suggest you pick it up today.

Check this out before you go ---->

How Brad Johnson Can Help You Reach Level 80

Brad Johnson was one of the first gamers in the world to reach level 80 in Guild Wars 2. Along his journeys, he took extra care to note all of the best questing routes and skill rotations. Once he perfected his methods, he wrote them all down in one easy to use, comprehensive guide. Frustrated gamers rejoice - Brad Johnsons guide is the real deal. Brads guide will teach you everything you need to know about professions, including what skills to use, weapons to equip and stats to favor. By using his methods you will kill monsters significantly faster, and will hardly ever die. Brad will also tell you which quests are worth doing, and what content to skip. His questing routes are so seamless that there will hardly be a moment in the game when youre not generating XP. There are so many far-reaching benefits to dinging level 80 in Guild Wars 2. Youll acquire more gold, craft better items and fight cooler enemies with better loot tables. But in order to get there youll have to suffer through countless deaths and complete dozens of unrewarding quests. Or you could save yourself the pain and check out Brads guide. Believe me when I say that I thought I was a pro gamer too. But Guild Wars 2 taught me a harsh lesson in humility. Its so different than any other MMO that Ive played that I ended up feeling completely lost. I picked up Brads guide in the hopes that I would at least master the basics. Boy, did I learn a lot more than that! Today Im the proud owner of a level 80 Elementalist. Ive also become a level 400 Armorsmith and Jeweler. Im surprised my bank can hold the amount of gold Im making on a daily basis. I can to participate in the most epic events and see the coolest locales. I have Brads guide to thank. Using the fantastic techniques listed in Brad Johnsons guide, you too can powerlevel your way to the top. Your entire perception of the game will change. Youll be able to handle any situation, defeat any enemy and buy any item. Mastery of Guild Wars 2 is yours for the taking. Hey, check this link out before you go --->

Questing in Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 has taken the traditional MMORPG questing system and turned it on its head. Most conventional questing mechanics rely on players speaking with an NPC, receiving a task and accomplishing said task for a reward, usually in the form of experience points and an item. For the most part, quests ask that players kill X amount of one enemy or collect Y amount of one good. Guild Wars 2 defies these stale tropes via more meaningful quests and its dynamic events system and Traditional quests still exist in the form of story quests. These quests require players to speak with an NPC, acquire a task and complete it. However, the quests in Guild Wars 2 are more inventive than in other MMOs. Instead of merely collecting items for no apparent reason, each quest is pertinent to the progression of a players character. Story quests are typically instanced, meaning that players and their party members will not have to share the zone with any other players. Events will typically happen without the player having to prompt them. An indicator will let them know that a new event is nearby. The location of the event will appear on the mini-map in orange. Players are awarded experience and rewards for participating in the event. The more they contribute, the greater the reward. Events can also be chained together. Successfully completing one event may spawn another. Depending on whether players complete of fail events, the climate of the landscape may change. Other quests are triggered by journeying into new zones. Upon entering, a series of tasks will be listed in the top right hand portion of a players screen. Participating in any of the listed objectives will partially fill the quest progress bar. When the progress bar is full, players will receive rewards in the form of experience, coin and gear. They will typically be given at least two gear options to choose from. The nature of questing in Guild Wars 2 marks a decisive evolution in the way players will perceive leveling. It stands to be more interesting, more dynamic and ultimately more fun. Check this link out before you go! -

The Kind of Girl I Am

I'm the type of girl who likes to be the best. Before Mists of Pandaria, I would spend dozens of hours learning every skill, every rotation and every build. Suffice to say, spending that much time in the game got me into trouble with the missus. But with Hubert's proven methods by my side, I longer feel the need to scour forums for hours on end in the hopes of finding that one rotation that will lift me over the top. Through Hubert I've learning everything there is to know about crafting, leveling, gearing up and acquiring coin. Even my PvP skills, an area that I'm usually lacking in, are good enough to help my teams win tournaments. Thanks to this guide, I really feel like I'm making the best of my in game time. Hardly a moment passes where I'm not completing a quest, killing a mob for maximum XP, or crafting a useful piece of gear. I advise that anyone struggling to grasp the inner workings and the new Monk class in MoP to give Hubert's guide a shot. The worst that can happen is that you'll be leveling more efficiently. At best you'll become an in game legend. I used to think there weren't enough hours in the day to accomplish all of my goals. Now I realize that I just wasn't using my time as efficiently as I should. Hubert's Mists of Pandaria Secrets guide taught me everything I had hoped to learn and then some. I suggest you pick it up today.

I Can't Believe This ( ^.^)

For a long time, whenever there was a new World of Warcraft guide on the market, we'd all get very excited and run out to see what it had to offer. Then, we started to see that most of the guides were just rewrites of each other. No one was coming up with anything original. So, now when I see a new one hit the market, let's just say I'm a little sceptical. How many ways can you tell people to not stand in the fire or ways to use Auctioneer? As it turns out, at least one more. The newest and greatest guide to hit the market, courtesy of Hubert Richardson is called Mists of Pandaria Secrets and is already driving a LOT of buzz due to its original, intricate approach to Auction House control, ball-busting PvP strategies and the most elaborate raid walkthroughs- the kind of things that we've read a hundred times but never seen done this well. What makes this guide so different than EVERY other guide on the market? To start with, it actually provides tools to help you in your endeavour. Most guides out there tell you what to do with vague descriptions, but Hubert has gone out of his way to provide a step by step walkthrough of everything he does to get ahead in the game. He's taken it another step further and provided templates for spreadsheets, lists, charts and diagrams, the kind of stuff that even the gold gurus tend to hold on to rather than give away to anyone that asks. So, does Mists of Pandaria Secrets deserve to join the ranks of classics like Warcraft Millionaire, the Dugi's and Zygor's and Warcraft Conquest that are actually valuable? In my opinion it does. It's polished, it's accurate, and above all else, it works. If you're looking for the next big guru to show you how to get things done in this game, this is your opportunity.

Pandaria Secrets

I've been playing World of Warcraft from launch. You'd think that would mean by now I'm something of a pro at the game. But let me tell you, when I say I had been struggling with gold troubles from day one I mean it. I'm the type of person who likes to have the best gear possible for every situation. I like to be perfectly equipped so that I can blast through areas with the greatest of ease. It's not that I'm bad at the game, and can't progress without having these things, it's just I feel I MUST have them. That's what brings me joy in the game. So faced with this desire to always have the best, I had to make a ton of gold to keep up. That is where I ran into some serious trouble. First I tried to solve my problems myself. I tried to do some gold runs in various locations. I tried to farm a few different bosses. None of these things really worked for me. When I heard that Blizzard were going to release Mists of Pandaria, I quickly made plans to participate in the Beta, eager to learn all I could about the game before its inevitable release. Alas, like other expansions before it, there is so much to do in the game and I found myself neck-deep in A random Google search turned out to be my salvation. I stumbled upon Hubert Richardson's latest guide to Mists of Pandaria. I decided to give his guide a try rather than dump more of my money into the auction house. Boy was I surprised! But don't take my word for it, go check it out at the link below.