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How Brad Johnson Can Help You Reach Level 80

Brad Johnson was one of the first gamers in the world to reach level 80 in Guild Wars 2. Along his journeys, he took extra care to note all of the best questing routes and skill rotations. Once he perfected his methods, he wrote them all down in one easy to use, comprehensive guide. Frustrated gamers rejoice - Brad Johnsons guide is the real deal. Brads guide will teach you everything you need to know about professions, including what skills to use, weapons to equip and stats to favor. By using his methods you will kill monsters significantly faster, and will hardly ever die. Brad will also tell you which quests are worth doing, and what content to skip. His questing routes are so seamless that there will hardly be a moment in the game when youre not generating XP. There are so many far-reaching benefits to dinging level 80 in Guild Wars 2. Youll acquire more gold, craft better items and fight cooler enemies with better loot tables. But in order to get there youll have to suffer through countless deaths and complete dozens of unrewarding quests. Or you could save yourself the pain and check out Brads guide. Believe me when I say that I thought I was a pro gamer too. But Guild Wars 2 taught me a harsh lesson in humility. Its so different than any other MMO that Ive played that I ended up feeling completely lost. I picked up Brads guide in the hopes that I would at least master the basics. Boy, did I learn a lot more than that! Today Im the proud owner of a level 80 Elementalist. Ive also become a level 400 Armorsmith and Jeweler. Im surprised my bank can hold the amount of gold Im making on a daily basis. I can to participate in the most epic events and see the coolest locales. I have Brads guide to thank. Using the fantastic techniques listed in Brad Johnsons guide, you too can powerlevel your way to the top. Your entire perception of the game will change. Youll be able to handle any situation, defeat any enemy and buy any item. Mastery of Guild Wars 2 is yours for the taking. Hey, check this link out before you go --->