Pandaria Secrets
by gurlnerd on Comments
I've been playing World of Warcraft from launch. You'd think that would mean by now I'm something of a pro at the game. But let me tell you, when I say I had been struggling with gold troubles from day one I mean it. I'm the type of person who likes to have the best gear possible for every situation. I like to be perfectly equipped so that I can blast through areas with the greatest of ease. It's not that I'm bad at the game, and can't progress without having these things, it's just I feel I MUST have them. That's what brings me joy in the game. So faced with this desire to always have the best, I had to make a ton of gold to keep up. That is where I ran into some serious trouble. First I tried to solve my problems myself. I tried to do some gold runs in various locations. I tried to farm a few different bosses. None of these things really worked for me. When I heard that Blizzard were going to release Mists of Pandaria, I quickly made plans to participate in the Beta, eager to learn all I could about the game before its inevitable release. Alas, like other expansions before it, there is so much to do in the game and I found myself neck-deep in A random Google search turned out to be my salvation. I stumbled upon Hubert Richardson's latest guide to Mists of Pandaria. I decided to give his guide a try rather than dump more of my money into the auction house. Boy was I surprised! But don't take my word for it, go check it out at the link below.