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Worse than 3RL!!

After some months without post im come back to tell what happened!

I own a xbox 360 console as you guys know, and few months ago while playing GTA4, my game freezed, than my console stop to working showing 3 red lights.

So my world just fell down, i thought that the worse problem that happens with a 360 just happened to me, but for my luck i still has my warranty up and ready to use. I thought with myself, thanks God that microsoft extended the warranty for 3rl up to three years!

I sent my console to microsoft and start to count days to get it back and restart to play my games but they come with the great news ever. The problem with my console was not 3rl but oxidation!! I leave by the beach and the see breeze and the weather probably broke up my console! But the great news is that my warranty did not cover this kind of issue and worse they could not fix it even if a pay.

They told me if i realy want to play XBOX 360 games again i would have to buy another console. So as a good Xbox 360 addicted i did it!!! :) AND IM BACK!!

So guys this post is more than just a blog post but a warning. If you leave by the beach take double care of your console. When you are not playing keep it envolved in plastic or something like that!!

Im very happy to came back to blog and hope to keep post interesting stuff to you all.

See you soon!