I was once the leader of the Kazuya Mishima Union, but I transferred it because I had important things to do. When I finally came back, the leadership had been transferred again to the original leader, who was bandodging all the time. So I thought to myself: "why am I even trying? I had helped the union for a while only to find it dying again."
If I could, I would gladly take control again, but I can't be around all the time. Being a leader of a union is tough. You need to have a goal in mind for the union, you need to have fun things for members to do and you need dedicated officers to help you. Keep your union 'fresh' and inspiring, then it will prosper.
Being a leader is hard work. It can be a very rewarding experience though. You learn new things about yourself and you can see you union flourish. On the other hand, it's tough to see your union crumble, but if you are determined to save your union, then a good result will be even more pleasing. Of course it can't hurt to ask for help. It takes more than a king for a land to be a kingdom.
With that in mind there is nothing your union cannot overcome. Have faith in yourself and your union, try hard, but don't stress yourself and your union will be what you want it to be.