Hoorah its 2010! A New Decade! It seems like just three days ago it was last decade... I cant wait to see what this decade brings. Dang, by the end of this decade, I'll be 25... Thats wild. Anyway, here are a few games I'm looking forward too in 2010. I don't think I'll be getting them all. but they are all on my list of games to consider buying!
Final Fantasy XIII (Thats a for sure buy)
Lost Planet 2 (Thats a for sure buy)
Red Dead Redemtpion
Here are some games I cannot get or do not want, but I still can't wait to see how they turn out
Bioshock 2
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Splinter Cell
Supreme Commander 2
Dark Void
Megaman 10
Heavy Rain
Gran Turismo 5
Mass Effect 2
Also, Lost Planet 2 and FFXIII are coming out near the same time. And I can only get one, and have to wait a few months for the other. I'm leaning toward FFXIII but every time I think of Lost Planet, I wanna buy it, and then I think of Final Fantasy XIII and want that. Which one should I wait for? Maybe one is more likely to turn out bad...
Haha, so anyway. Happy New Year!