Game of the year!!!???? Society is unwell!!
by gypsysnail on Comments
I don't understand why Demon Souls is the game of the year 2009???? More to the point, why are the majority of the finalist games fighting killing violent games??? Is this the way people have bloody become? Violent sick minds? I am NOT happy, we all have to live in a world of real crime cos of screwed up people!!!! Sorry but this makes me so angry!!!! The only noteworthy game in the finalist games list was Sims 3 and good that one is a good game. What about smart brain games like Professor Laytons Pandora's box???? It would do the world good to play that game and improve their brains instead of engaging in bloody crime and violence!!! Bad past or not, I don't care if you have had a bad past, GET OVER IT and respect each other. I am sick of having to lock up my house and car everytime I have to go out and I am sick of not being able to travel on the trains at night. THANKS A F*****g lot you sick crims!!!!!!!! To all the violent sicko people out there, go get a life and leave us alone to live our lives! And stop playing violent games and getting brainwashed - that brainwashed part is a sign of stupidity!!!! GET SMART and be normal and stop hurting each other or one day we normal people will just get a gun and shoot u all sick people down! This is my rant sorry, just so angry with criminals and attackers and want them gone from our planet! PISS OFF CRIMS AND SICKOS!!