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Worst mistake ever...

Okay, so you go through life, and you make mistakes. Some mistakes are small, others are larger. If you're lucky, your worst mistake ever doesn't effect anyone else. If you're not.... people get hurt.

My worst mistake ever just happened.

I went to Captain John's Crab House (and Seafood Buffet) in Virginia Beach. Let me start off by saying that three miles away and for two dollars more there is a much better seafood buffet called Captain George's. I had not been to Captain Johns in years, 15 or so. Back then they had lobster on the buffet. It was at least time for a review.

But it's not the same place at the least they've moved. It's likely not the same owners, if it is, something has gone very wrong.

Clue #1: The plates they served the snow crab on come from a different restaurant (Boston Lobster House). As I ate my meal, I longed to be at the Boston Lobster House, or anywhere else for that matter. (Oh to be back in math ****learning how to do fractions for the first time while having a long painful dental process done by an intern on their first day. A far, far better place.)

Clue #2: The "hair" found in the macaronni and cheese. We'll to be fair, there was no real cheese in the macaronni. It was pretty much just wet noodles. The hair was of a type that Clarence Thomas might note.

Clue #3: The Urinal doesn't flush in the men's room. It's a minor thing, having toilets that flush. But when you want that transient bus station ambieance, well...

To be fair, the crab was really good. The she-crab soup was good. Everything else was... well.... lets just say my daughter was very happy that they didn't do anything to the pudding. It's sad when you mess up pudding as it comes from a can as is. Thankfully they left it as is and it's likely one of the best things on the menu.

So you're thinking, "Ha! Seafood Buffet! You should know better than to order a buffer when you can get it fresh." Normally I'd agree with you, but this place was known for their buffet. It used to be good, it should STILL be good.

It's not.

Just say no, spend the extra $2 and go few miles up Laskin road to Captain Georges. Let Capt. John go down with the ship. It's a far better fate.

Clue #4: I took my daughter to McDonald's afterwards so should could get a nice meal. Sad.