50 hour game-play, I have been swindled. Although, it is too late, I already bought mass effect. I'll let you know what I thought about it. I'm sure one day I will buy Assassin's Creed.
I like both, so right now, when destinpark reminded me that I was getting more for my money, it seems logical to put down $60 for a 40 hour + game then a higher rated short game. Thanks for your input.
I just put one on layaway, so I don't have to worry about it selling out. Is there a limited number of the 360 elites being produced? I don't need a Xbox 360 at all right now, I co own one with my parents, but when I move out, I will need my own. I would like to wait, but I fear the elite system not being available 2 years from now in "New" condition. So what is the production plan for the Elite, because if they will continue to make it available indefinitely, then I don't have to buy it now, but if it is a limited edition, then I should buy it when the layaway expires.
Wow Geeks can be mean. I don't know why people don't like reading stuff like this on forms, and want you to blog about it, like anyone reads other peoples blogs. That is an indirect way to tell people, we don't want to read this, which is fine. The tamper thing, yeah don't hold that against Microsoft, like someone else said every company does that. It is sad that you are left up a creek without a paddle. Although I have both a PS3 and Xbox360 and our first 360 broke in one month... lucky for us, that means it was still under warranty, and hopefully the second one will not have any problems. I still like my 360 better then the PS3 for now.
Timewarner... it goes fast on my computer and xbox live account, but only slow for the PS3. So verizon works better, I hope they work it out so it does not matter.
My connection feels slightly faster then dial up, but it can be faster sometimes more like DSL but most of the time it is like I said a little faster then dial up. I would say a normal web-page like Google takes about 2-3 seconds, and then this site which is much more complicated can take 8-10 seconds.
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