Hi guys! :D
If you don't like big paragraphed writing this blog's not for you :(
but I'm going to give you my first impressions on some demos
and some new gadgets that have been announced :D
I think theres going to be around 4 things I'm going to mention, one of them being announced a while ago :)
hope you do read it
here goes! :o
Crysis 2:
After watching the trailers i was all hyped up for this game, it looked amazing and i had never played the first one because i dont have a high end PC. But i wanted to try the new one. Then the released the Multiplayer Demo exclusive to xbox, which was good because I was considering getting it for xbox.
My first thought was will it be as fluent as call of duty or that heavy, weighty feeling from bad company 2. Allthough both are fine, I prefer the crisp, clean feeling of call of duty. So i was happy to find out it was sort of inbetween but more fluent than heavy and feels better than both. Also cryengine3 does a good job of keeping the frame rate constant and the graphics looking beautiful. Every last little detail is there. The guns are rather good too, but as far as the demo goes theres not many to try out. Overall to sum it up in one sentence:
"Fluent, Graphically Impressive and Constant Frame Rates make this game a buy for me"
I only played through this once, but it was fun. the skill kills are great and theres so many you can do you can never really get bored. The graphics look nice and the controls allthough very different to many FPS games, will take a whileto get used to but are easy to use.
The bad however, the voiceover for the main character. I used to get really annoyed by the american soldier Dempi's voice on call of duty's nazi zombies mode, and when i heard he was the MAIN voiceover i was a really worried. I was right to be, he has a rather annoying voice and stupid phrases could make it the worst voiceover ive seen for a long time.
I had doubts for this first, thinking it wouldnt beat the 3DS no matter what. And i still stand by that, but the numerous amount of added features seem to me like they have a big chance at competing with nintendo in the handheld market for the first time. Because lets admit, the PSP couldnt really keep up with the DS.
Four features really stand out for me, The touch pad, Two analog sticks, PS3 graphics and 3G. The touch pad is not only a new addition, it is also on the back. Don't get me wrong the front screen is also touch screen, but the back touch pad is some sort of control sceme in a way. In the uncharted demo, the man moved his fingers in opposite directions up and down this pad and drake climbed a vine. It seems they could do some pretty neat things with this. And two analog sticks, do i need to say anything? I've been waiting for this for ages! I'm not sure if it is PS3 graphics but those who have seen the video will know what I mean, it looks like ps3 graphics and i was amazed I was actually watching those graphics on a handheld console. And having 3G is also a good way to have online play anywhwere.
Razor SwitchBlade:
This has been announced a while now, but i have a few things to say about it. I didn't see the idea of a gaming netbook becoming true, and with tablet PC's being the new craze and netbooks sort of dieing out, but now i can. It looks great, putting the fact it has an intel atom proccessor beside, it seems like it will run fine.
But we all know the main feature of this new netbook is the changing keboard. Your keyboards keys can change to the icons in game or the font of the game. this is a great idea. I don't have much to say about this one though.
Thats pretty much it, thank you! :D
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