Misogynistic ? Seriously? Does Gamespot want to lose all credibility in the review community? In a game where violence is the primary gameplay element; where you can kill people indiscriminately and rob banks, engage in murder or cook crystal meth.... you're going to downscore it because of misogyny ? Where is the sense in that??
@popegtr And Microsoft, Ubisoft, EA, and all the other big companies that stomp on their devs' dreams will thank you for it. Have fun in Call of Duty 72.
@Jager5 @bob3terd You might want to go back to the RSI website and re-read the information about Lifetime Insurance. Again, not a pay-to-win function. Insurance is in the game, and is paid for using in-game currency. It will need to be renewed on either a 1 or more MONTHS basis. So, not at all paying to win. This is a pay to SUPPORT feature, allowing those excited about what Chris Roberts can do, to support the development of the game. Remember, this is crowd-funded. But this feature doesn't provide any competitive advantage over other players.
Being that you can host your own server, and control those who play with you, I'd say your EVE-like PVP concerns are unfounded.
h3rb's comments