The download manager has not been available to download for at least 2 days now. Any chance someone can post a link to the installer?
The public link that is all over the site is this one: (which is UNDER CONSTRUCTION, apparently)
The error on this page suggests that it is a beta page, and that in order to resolve the problem, you should edit URL so that you are going to the www.gamespot site versuse the beta.gamespot site. Well, as you can see above, the URL is WWW, not beta, so this workaround does not work.
Can someone at GS please just post a link that works to the DLM. I can't imagine why this has been unresolved for so long. The DLM is one of the PRIMARY reasons why I pay you for membership. If it's not available, it should be a priority to get it back up.
![Download Manager Error](
Here, you see what happens when you use a link that attempts to launch the DLM:
![DLM does not run](
And the More Info link brings you here:
Please guys... this should be one of the top priorities. It makes you look bad... and I don't mean to be a jerk, but I have once again remind you that I'm paying YOU for your service, NOT Fileplanet.
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