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I 'Finish'ed Resident Evil 5 (PS3)

Allrite... this game is AWESOME!!!!

Though the game is relatively short, it manages to took over my sleep hours :p bad thing of course haha.... I beat this game in about 4 days period with about maybe about 20 hours of playtime.

Thanks to the guide from 'piggyback' i managed to unlock almost entire bonuses during my 1st playthrough, the guide book is very thorough and detailed in any possible way. So credits goes to Piggyback guide creator and editor for great guides. But... ahem... the bonus calendar is... disturbing imho...

Anyways.. the reason i put the quotation sign in here is because i have to re-do the game on PS3... first of all i didnt play on the console i personally own.
I decided on the Xbox360 at the end due to its multiplayer capability and not to mention the arcade features. I should be getting the console by today.

Okay thats a bit off topic but in any rate, back to the game.
Here is what i found out about the game.

1. Great animation, graphics and art. The game look beautiful despite i am using composite cable >.< and not using the fully HDMI capability and i am sure it'll even look gorgeous with the HDMI cable.

2. great gameplay, the game is pretty intense and though i doubt it's difficulties. Some may argue that the game is too easy, yes.. that is true if you played... amateur. If you go veteran, things are getting tougher and annoying too (eg. chainsaw Majini revived after getting killed blergh...) and oh ... wait till you see 'Professional' difficulties nyehehehe. and there are about 4 special enemies types (not bosses) that can 1 hit = death kind :) so watch your back

3. "Great" Co-op, there is reason why i put down a quotation marks there. This game is real fun, when you have someone to play with you. OFFLINE or ONLINE, this is great stuff!! However.... if you do OFFLINE you got split screen, which might be tad not comfy.... if you do Online, you need communication stuff otherwise playing this might be tough... to initiate the game online, it might causes several issues and discomfort.

4. Extra content is great :) , i wont stress out this is where the fun begins. Working way for the extra content gives great sense of achievements though, so dont forget that you can get trophies for this too. In addition they have Multiplayer versus, which are somewhat similar to L4D but it is a DLC which cost 400 points or about 5 bucks (lots of rage from players from what i heard...)

5. well the last boss is a joke, but since i beat him in amateur easily, i would like to beat him in higher lvl.

Thats all i can say, but regardless this game is great and it is something that shouldnt be missing out on this spring :)

and for those who got the game already :D hope you enjoy it

I finally finished P4!!!

Finally finished with P4, and that took me almost 2 months to complete the game. I know a lot of people who were able to finish it faster haha :D .

Regardless today's blog will be rant about P4 and some other stuff i can think off.

So 1st will be about P4. I just beat it, the true ending. The game left me a warm fuzzy feeling compared as opposite to P3, which is quite depressing at some point. The credit roll features a song called 'Never More', I have to say it wasnt as good as the P3 credit roll song 'Memories of You'. However you should be able to find that 'Never More' has more meaning into it than 'Memories of You'. Memories of You is a really sad if you take a closer look into its lyrics, as for NeverMore although it has a parting means into it, It does give a reminding of what are things needed and important to be remember and not to be forgotten.

The last battle is quite easy, though it requires patience. I honestly didn't use much of consumables in there. Only several buffing items and in addition 1 'Soma', that is all. Its just that the boss has such tremendous HP (though SRW bosses has more HP). Nonetheless I am glad i finished the game and onto my way to 2nd play through which i can postpone for now to catch up with other games, presumably either Mana Khemia, Final Fantasy 12, and Atalier Iris 3 (yah i still havent finish with these) or the latest Ar Tonelico 2.

I have to say P4 has give me most notable and thoughtful ending compared to P3, though i realize that there are people out there would argue for this (ahem... pointless argument imho). I really enjoyed the game and i Just want to say.

Thank you ATLUS USA !!!!

for localizing the game. I am looking forward to Endless Frontier (DS) and Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abbadon (PS2) localization.

A Crime or A Malpractice

Allrite... lately i've been slacking on my gaming casuals for this year.

However i have been looking at some of study websites for JLPTs and hopefully can grab a prep study for the test that is hold annualy. I am still unsure which level to take considering there are a lot of coverage and a change that will happen shortly with the test itself. Another thing is I am not even quite sure and confident to myself that i'll even pass the easiest one but hell... we'll see bout that soon.

In any rate I was following up a J-drama series called 'チーム・バチスタの栄光' or 'Team Batista's Glory' well it was previously was airing on movie theater with title of 'The Glorious Team Batista' where Abe Hiroshi played sas one of the main character in the series and oh he'll play as Uesugi Kenshin :p for the new Taiga Drama that talks about Kanetsugu Naoe (that'll be different tv series i might talk about).

Anyways the TV series consist of total of 11 eps with about up to 57min. long of each episode.

Same like it's movie and based on it's original novel. Team Batista was a team that was form out from elite doctors who perform the most up-to-date heart surgery; where it involves 'stop' the heart, cut and remove some of the part, suture and finally make the heart beats again. The team performed magnificently over time and yet... over 30 surgery case; case 27, 28, 29 and 30 all ended up with Surgical Death. The concerned hospital Director asked help from Taguchi and Shiratori to investigate this matter and put stop to the surgical death case.

Depends on how well you know J-dramas or J-movies. for example, you will see:
1. Atsushi Itou who are known to play the main character on Densha Otoko TV series and this time he'll play the role of Kohei Taguchi;
2. Shirota Yuu who played Kunimitsu Tezuka in the Prince of Tennis Movie, he will be playing as Koichiro Himuro;
3. Tsuyoshi Ihara who played Takeichi Nishi in Letters from Iwojima, he'll be playing the genius surgeon Dr. Kiryu
4. err... not sure bout the rest hahahaa.....

The TV series is pretty new, as matter of fact it just ended 2 days before Christmas last year. The ending song is sang by Aoyama Thelmawith title of Mamoritai mono, very good song and i suggest anyone to hear the song out.

You can find the episodes on www.d-addicts.com; and they are fully Fansubbed.
For those who watched it hope you liked it as i do :D

Beginner's Difficulty

Ok.. so... i messed up on Normal difficulty of P4; well not that i cant beat the enemy or anything like that; hell i am quite bountiful on the money wise and no difficulties; and... i messed up one of the social link... then chooseth the Beginner.

Doesnt seems to affect the storyline though... i have to say the game is much much easier than i expected; not to mention sort of 'exploiting' the Continue items. Drawback.. yes there is one.. its much easy, maybe too easy for me.

Although on the bright side... i might no need to concern myself too much with the wipe and enemy difficulties, I even saved Yukiko on the 1st visit to the dungeon O.o!? I hope that I will be able to do the same though for Kanji's Mayonaka dungeon.

In any rate the game is great, i liked it; yet why i have a feeling that i will be replaying this game several times :p; uh ow.. not good... Ar Tonelico 2 (which is much easier game) & Left 4 Dead, and other games are starting to piling up soon.. argh... what should i do.

Blogs and reasons that hindering me to Blog

Ok, this can be counted as my blog disclaimer or just a rant.

I didnt blog that often because the following reasons (and yep it'll add up like mad at some point)

1. I am rarely/never write a blog

2. well... english is not my 2nd language (my 3rd as matter of fact)

3. GS is prolly 1st Blog site i'll ever write aside from my facebook which is... horridly empty... (my friends/co-workers are bagging me about how empty it was)

4. err.. spend most time at work or making my plamos or play the game and most important thing ZZZZzzzzZZZZ

5. I dunno yet.... no clue ... and cant think of anything else

Why I am writing Blog?

1. Prolly had thoughts to share

2. I guess its a little bit fun to blog

3. I am bored... (while not playing games of course)

Well... with this foundation here comes my blog