I dont know about the rest but im addicted to gears 4 atm. The campaign was great but its the multuplayer that just keeps me coming back. Theres a high barrier to entry considering the range of mechanics and skills you have get the hang of to stand a chance against others but once you start getting into the swing of things the intensity is simply insane ?
I'll be getting this if and only if it comes out on the switch and online battling is enabled. Neither seems like an outrageous expectation so my hopes are pretty high :D
This is great news. I also love how the game download always crashes before it completes forcing you to restart the download which I could stomach if it didnt just crash every single time. Maybe if I donated money it would actually work but no thanks and f*** you very much
@TashunkoSapa: I feel like this point has been stressed to death but you dont have to spend money everything can be unlocked through playtime. I know because Im unlockingg everything that way. Jeez I dont know how Im seeing this complaint so often either people dont actually have the game and are whining about it or they just arent bothering to figure out the in-game systems before running their mouths. Either way stfu
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