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Blog'd It

So. 5 days to go, and I still haven't made a blog about GTA4.

I gotta say, I feel the same way as you, Darth. I feel wierd about my 'excitedness' mainly because I haven't been feeling very happy at all lately due to the rediculous amount of homework I have. Off the top of my head I can think of; Medieval history essay, Medieval history oral, Modern history essay, Modern history Oral, Read Northern Lights for English, Do a creative response on the hobbit, Write a story, compose a song, lot's of little excerpts of music to be put into movies and more I can't even think of. Geez.

But the main point is that I feel so stressed I can't really get excited enough about GTA4! Plus i'm so good at procrastinating. But that's enough of my complaining... It's gunna be a great game and I can't wait. I start school at 12 every tuesday, so i'll be popping into town quite early, picking it up, going to school until 4, then coming home and playing it all afternoon. Should be great fun! Hope you all enjoy it thoroughly, and keep the "it'll be better on my console" stuff away! SHUN!