Hello fellow GS'ers.
Just abit of an update on what's been going on lately.
I've started putting a lot of effort into getting fit and strong, and started eating really healthily but also trying to gain a lot of weight, which is proving to be hard for a kind of skinny guy like me! I'm having a lot of fun doing it though, I feel it's really good to have my goals set and acheive them. Has anyone seen this movie?
I came home from work the other day and it was randomnly on Prime, i'd never seen it before but it's actually turned out to be one of my favourite movies, awesome!
I also got asked to do a little bit of work for this guys blog, might be a bit for rags only :P : http://byfn.blogspot.com
In other news i'm buying an iPod touch soon, still not really trying at school and most of all getting pwned in the HnH competition :P