Hey guys, haga here. So, I just spent about 10-15 minutes (I think, I don't know exactly how long) playing this little demo of a DS game called Picross 3D. It's a puzzle game where you are presented with a block made up of small cubes, and some of the cubes have numbers on the side, telling you how many cubes are in that row. It makes great use of the touch screen, the controls are very easy (although I did accidentally destroy two blocks that I meant to mark, but it only counts as a strike and doesn't matter in the demo.) Yeah, the tutorial does a much better job of explaining the game than I do.
It's a lot of fun, it's very engaging, and all you need to play the demo is a Wii, the Nintendo channel on said Wii, and a Nintendo DS. I'm definitely going to get the full version soon.
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