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The Misadventures of Micorp the 'Maren chapter 2

Here it is! It's not my best one, or my longest.

Chapter 2: The 'Maren return

Micorp stared out the door to her room. She had stopped dangling her feet long ago, and since then has been fidgeting with some of the things she had collected over the years of her existence. It was better than fidgeting with her feet, anyway. She then heard many voices and the sound of footsteps, and watched the search party return. Jackle-- the little annoyance-- was among them, and had that stupid little grin of his. Except it was wider than usual.

She hated Jackle. Hated him beyond belief. That little second level brat thought that because he was older, he was better! SHE was the first level 'Maren, not that stupid little pile of laundry! It seemed that his only goal in life was to annoy her! She hated that little brat, and made a mental note to steal some of his cards when she could fly again. She heard a loud cry, and saw Gillwing. He glanced into her room, mumbled something in whatever language it was that he spoke, and flew off again.

Micorp liked Gillwing. And Clawz. In fact, she liked most of the Animaren. They all seemed to like her as well. She liked them because most of them would let her talk to her without saying anything rude like "Wow. You actually did that?" Or "You're such an idiot!" She thought this was because the Animaren weren't created for intelligence, just fierceness. However, she hated Chamelon. He reminded her too much of Jackle. She made a mental note to steal his cards as well.

Whenever she had no other 'Maren to talk to, she released her clone. Micorp had the unique ability to clone herself, but only to make one clone. They shared energy, however, so it made her weaker. Still, talking to the clone got boring sometimes, as they shared a brain. If 'Maren had brains. Do they? She made a mental note to ask someone about that after stealing Jackle and Chamelon's cards. Also, she shouldn't so this too often, as it drained her energy. Not that you need much energy to talk all day.

So anyway, the clone always agreed with her, never offering anything new to the table. That's the only thing she liked about the other Humaren. They all had something new to bring to the table. Mental note: Invite the other Humaren to dinner at a table. Tell them all to bring something. Except Jackle. Then again, he would still be mourning the loss of his cards. Invite Jackle, then make a lot of subtle remarks about cards. Play card games. If they get into a disagreement, tell them to dray cards. Whoever got the ace first wins. Don't let Jackle near any of the cards. Make a lot of torso comments. Have Jackle sit at the door, so she can talk through him-- literally!-- to anyone outside if she needs to.

Yeah, that'll give him something to cackle about!