These controversies bring out certain crazed, neck-bearded MRAs who like to say feminists are all extremists but who exactly is harassing others and making death threats? Its the crazed, neck-bearded MRAs. Just saying. ;O)
Like nothing I have ever played before? Really? Its actually a really bad mixture of several games I have played before... lol Sorry to tell you but this game is not the future of FPS gaming. Its basically COD with a different setting and mechs thrown in... Almost everything you see in TitanFail has already been done in games like Planetside 2. And even the mechs were done in the original Planetside. lol
Gee, another Alien game made by Sega, I wonder how it is going to turn out? If only we had a history of them making Alien games to base our expectations on. lol
HailtotheQueen's comments