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My rant on The Last Airbender (Live action)

Let me start off by saying I thought it was garbage. I may be biased since a movie can never be as good as the original source in this ocasion.


-Northern Water City looked pretty good and true to the series somewhat.

-Earthbending looked good


-For the love of God, pronounce the names right. AAAAHHHNG and SOUUUUUUKA and Ahhhvatar

-What was up with the Fire Nation needing a source for their bending, in the show they could produce it at will.

-Bending just looked stupid, and VERY SLOW. It was almost cringe worthy.

-Casting....I would figure the Fire Nation would be an asian cast and it looked weird as they were, like it wasn't being true to the show.

-I felt Aang was not "Aangish" enough, the one in the tv show was playful, cheerful and fun. In the movie he was just kind of boring and forceful at times.

-What happened to epic Aang avatar state at the end to defeat the fire nation, instead he just made a big wave and scared off an army.

IF I HEAR KATARA SAy AHHHHNG instead of aang one more time I'll smack her.

I may be being picky but for a director who supposedly watched the series, it seemed like a lot of it was just very wrong.

Needless to say if Shamalamynmn makes another one (Which i doubt) i wont be seing it.