Well, I went to the doctor yesterday.. well actually its two days ago now. I was meaning to get this up earlier, but I wanted to give the other blog a chance to get some comments, and then my computer basically.. um, screwed up.
So yep, if you are energetic enough to read blog titles, I have a um.. "bad case" yet only "a touch" of bronchitis. IDK, ask my dad. :P So yeah, I got it from inhaling to much smoke from the fireworks at our fourth of July celebration.. :roll: Sure it's "asthma", [idk if I spelled it right] but it doesn't mean I have it. In fact, it's confirmed.. I DON'T HAVE IT. Especially since the last time I had an "episode" was eight years ago.. same thing of bronchitis during Christmastime. :( But we did make a little fun of it. :twisted: My mom called and my dad told me to tell her it was what she thought it was. :D Strept though. :P Then I added a little of my own to it.. saying we ate at Hooters! :lol:
So yep, I'm feeling better now. Hopefully it will be gone for good, tomorrow.
~Matt~ :)