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Rebecca Black [BELCH]

Sorry I didn't make this yesterday, but issues came up and had to solve them.

So, there's been a massive uproar on Youtube due to a song called "Friday" by some 13 or 14 year old chick named Rebecca Black. A few days ago I watched it and was completely disgusted by how dumb the song sounded. RB's voice sounded like she cut off her vocal cords and replaced them with duck vocal cords. Not only does she sound dumb, but she was auto-tuned which must mean her voice is f***ing terrible! Only the talentless singers use auto tunes! The worst thing about the song, is that she uses the most retarded lyrics ever! Actually, her song doesn't seem like a song at ALL, she's just saying every f***ing thing she's doing in song!

She then says the dumbest thing ever when she wonders whether she should take a front or a back seat.....WHEN THERE'S ONLY ONE F***ING SEAT OPEN! The most retarded part of this scene is that it's full of 13 or 14 year olds. Yeah, I remember when I was 13, I would drive my Ferrari around at 6:00. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY D**N SENSE! IF YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE A MUSIC VIDEO, MAKE SURE THERE ARE ATLEAST SOME SENSE IN YOUR SONG!

Too make the song worse, she makes the audience seem like we're dumb by saying the days of the week in their order. WHAT THE H**L!? WE WENT TO KINDERGARTEN TOO! WE KNOW OUR BLOODY DAYS OF THE WEEK! One of the worst things about this song is propably showing a bunch of teens dancing on some random dance floor somewhere. How many teens do you know heading to parties? I never knew ANY 13 year olds who went to parties! And I knew atleast 20 of them!

Then the song does the most unoriginal crap in all singing! Some random rapper pops up singing random sh** in his fancy car! MANY other pop singers have done so before! [Justin Bieber, Katy Perry]

But all in all the song SUCKS! Next time you play a song...actually, you know what? NEVER EVER MAKE ANOTHER SONG UNTIL YOU KNOW HOW TO BLOODY SING!

Plus, RB is supposedly is making another song called "lol"................WHAT KIND OF RETARDED NAME IS THAT! GO STICK YOUR HEAD IN A TOILET RB, IT WILL IMPROVE YOUR LOOK!

This has been your favorite ranter halorocks123,

Peace out!