@Chrono Yeah, most of the characters I wanted to win lost in round 3.4, and 5. The only one that lasted the longest that I had high hopes for was Tails. In my quite high opinion Luigi would have probably won of the other "sidekicks" weren't let in ,or if the trolls never entered.
@Chrono I agree with everything you just said ,BUT it still doesn't add ANY credibility that Launchcrap made it because of fans. Most of them was trolls, as it has been repeated over, and over and over and over.
@Chrono No, I'm not insulting anyone, just pointing out the truth. Most of all the votes for Launchcrap Mccrack were by trolls from either Reddit or 4 chan. The so called "fans" just jumped on the boat with trolls thinking that they actually liked Launchcrap.
The funny thing about this contest is that it's called "Greatest game sidekick of ALL TIME". The funny thing about it ,is that maybe it's only the greatest here ,even though the only votes for the crappy characters were trolls. There are MILLIONS of other sites which would HIGHLY disagree with the end result of this contest.
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